Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] been a [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 A few years ago this was extremely popular , but since the initial boom in feline birth pills there has been a decline in interest in favour of the more drastic method of neutering .
2 In such cases there has been a shift in the pattern of ‘ comparative advantage ’ on an international scale .
3 ‘ We agree there has been a breakdown in communications but hope that from now on we can work together in an open and constructive manner towards our common goal a first class haematology unit run by a first class team of doctors and nurses .
4 It also shows that , since 1974 , before every increase in consumer spending there has been an increase in consumer confidence — that the one always follows the other .
5 Underpinning these changes there has been an acceleration in the trend towards the ‘ professionalisation ’ of journalism , a tendency noted as long ago as 1976 by Graham Cleverly in The Fleet Street Disaster : higher salaries ( at least on the nationals ) , fewer unsociable hours , less bloke-ishness and booze .
6 ‘ Nevertheless it has to be recognised that there is an unbroken series of dicta in judgments of appellate courts to the effect that there is a judicial discretion to exclude admissible evidence which has been ‘ obtained ’ unfairly or by trickery or oppressively , although except in Reg. v. Payne [ 1963 ] 1 W.L.R. 637 , there never has been a case in which those courts have come across conduct so unfair , so tricky or so oppressive as to justify them in holding that the discretion ought to have been exercised in favour of exclusion .
7 However what , what I think is the most important aspect of this , the communist party is not and never has been a party in the normal sense of the term , it 's a closed shop for the ruling establishment of the Soviet Union and therefore it 's quite simply incompatible with politics .
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