Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] [to-vb] and [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , it was now obviously much easier to fuse figure and surroundings , thus emphasizing the ‘ materiality ’ of space and also ensuring the unity of the picture surface , while the greater complexity and concentration of the central areas generally serves to isolate and emphasize the subject .
2 He always has to go and lower the tone of a conversation .
3 he 's like that are n't you dear , always has to come and have a stir and there 's licks in the , look in the pan
4 In order to see what other pronunciation problems there may be , one also needs to study and compare the various individual phonemes of the two languages and see what variants they have .
5 And forecasting also helps to unify and co-ordinate the wider process of market research and market planning .
6 It also pays to try and match the pattern of the border at the joint .
7 All these men would not only write ; they would also have to read , because the Minister is not able to read all the Cabinet agenda before he gets there , or even all the agenda of the Cabinet Committees ; and if he does read the papers he reads them with an eye which often fails to understand and to spot the relevant .
8 Women for Socialism particularly wants to raise and strengthen the demands of women organising outside the labour movement , within it .
9 The need then arises to analyse and evaluate the probable political attitudes and actions of various middle-class groups in relation to the working class and the socialist movement , to right-wing parties and movements , to fascist movements and to diverse types of independent politics in the form of liberal , nationalist or populist parties .
10 This project accordingly plans to formalise and devise a computational implementation of Fodor-Sperber-Wilson assumptions about language and language processing .
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