Example sentences of "[adv] [Wh det] i [verb] about [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Before I describe the trial of Justine Moritz , I must set down what I know about Frankenstein , in the hope of clarifying my mind .
2 I bet if I told those Germans downstairs what I knew about Father 's job they 'd sit up and pay attention .
3 you know I , I think , I think usually what I say about questionnaires is towards the business of , you know , kind of writing them in people 's own words that , that sort of fit in with ordinary language okay putting them in a sensible order advising people to do scale type things with five or seven points or something which you 've got a lot of already so a lot of the comments that I normally make on people 's questionnaires er you can take as read as it were erm so I think erm you know just really one or two minor things about layout like , you know , you know sort of space and , and moving things around a wee bit , it might make them easier to read but again as I say that 's a you know relatively minor erm problem .
4 A Burmese proverb sums up what I felt about Burma : ‘ If you fall in love when young you can never forget through ten thousand years . ’
5 Lupus feared his anger and advised others not to provoke it ( " I consider it dangerous to obstruct the king 's orders " ) ; felt hurt when Charles very obviously " does n't care about the things that matter to me " ; appreciated Charles 's personally " asking me at Bourges not long ago what I felt about Predestination " ; and was well aware that Charles " has a face that he puts on when he wants to be charming " .
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