Example sentences of "[adv] [Wh det] [pron] be look [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So what we 're looking for is one that will ern go erm
2 Okay , so what we 're looking at over these two days and what in order for you to be able to say yes we 've achieved the objectives er by tomorrow is how to use that time that we have to prepare to the most er efficient and effective so that e the preparation you know when you 've prepared it that yes when I stand up to speak I 'm gon na be able to put these points over effectively and make the presentation memorable .
3 So what we were looking for was something more er erm
4 so what you 're looking for in any formula shush daddy 's talking Matthew !
5 Right so what you 're looking for is twelve thousand pounds ?
6 Er so what I 'm looking for is to try and see that we do all we can to make sure that the second half of ninety three we take full advantage of everything that we 've got so that we do actually rapidly increase our productivity in the second half of the year .
7 Allied Breweries ' Taylor Walker subsidiary may consider the chain is just what they are looking for to increase their estate .
8 ‘ They said he was just what they were looking for , ’ Beverley said yesterday at home in Alwoodley , Leeds .
9 Mr Carter , who is business development manager at ICI Billingham , says he knew the instant it was described to him over the phone that the property was just what they were looking for .
10 Perhaps early in the presentation the customer might say ‘ Yes , that 's just what I 'm looking for ’ , to which the salesperson replies ‘ Good , when do you think you would like delivery . ’
11 Dave 's verdict : if you 're looking for a reasonably priced bag for general camping the Kozi-tec 500 may be just what you 're looking for as it 's warm and comfortable with plenty of room to move inside .
12 The CD3 , which is Ariston 's third CD player in roughly the same number of years ( they all remain available by the way ) heralds no revolution in technology or features , but may be just what you are looking for if the brief is for a medium-price player which will offer musical excellence without frills or complication .
13 If you have a pond complete with fountain , and are troubled by herons , the latest deterrent device the Aquaguard by Stockport-based Mattison Bros Ltd could be just what you are looking for .
14 If you wish to use old frames for your pressed flower work , you may find just what you are looking for at home , or by rummaging around in junk shops or at auctions .
15 ‘ He has been crying out for support for ages , and I am sure that this new opportunity is just what he is looking for . ’
16 well it perhaps was n't just what he was looking for
17 The , I mean it 's only anecdotal , but it feels to me as though the the increase they experienced in June has continued into er July , I know that 's not what we 're looking at but it it feels that way , erm
18 Maybe his fish and chips and his welding background are not what they were looking for , though in Middlesbrough they would seem to be born for each other .
19 And besides , that matching does n't buy you anything anyway except lower distortion — which , in a tube amplifier , is not what you 're looking for .
20 And besides , that matching does n't buy you anything anyway except lower distortion — which , in a tube amplifier , is not what you 're looking for .
21 But in the end , it 's usually not what I 'm looking for . ’
22 Yeah that 's exactly what we 're looking for is n't it ?
23 The proprietor , Gordon McLeod-Crossley believed the burglars knew exactly what they were looking for when they took a BSA .22 and a Rellum .22 .
24 It is believed there must have been at least three people who knew exactly what they were looking for .
25 Among the welter of aids to discerning travellers , he found exactly what he was looking for : a comprehensive guide to British hotels and restaurants , each entry accompanied by a brief description of the establishment and a small photograph .
26 Each of the four was an experienced police frogman , and each of them knew exactly what he was looking for — knew indeed the exact dimensions of the object and the positioning of the three great ruby eyes once set into it .
27 The keys to good interviewing in all cases are thorough preparation , knowing exactly what you are looking for and having confidence in your own judgement .
28 It is so frustrating to consider a sample to be exactly what you are looking for and then need to set up the card again to discover just how you arrived at it , while labelling as you go is only the work of a moment .
29 Generally , there is also a slight twisting and distortion reaction in the way that the leaves are held , but again , this is difficult to detect unless you know exactly what you are looking for .
30 ‘ It 's the most obvious place to find your notes , and you know exactly what you 're looking for .
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