Example sentences of "[adv] [be] [adv] [vb pp] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 The poet Marvell can thus be somehow separated from the political Marvell working to maintain the Interregnum 's government .
2 Details which are ignored in the source text but which have to be specified in the target language can pose a serious dilemma for the translator if they can not be reasonably inferred from the context .
3 Other monies will not be separately identified from the general rate support grant from the Department of the Environment , a decision which will make it very difficult to identify exactly what is being spent on services by individual authorities .
4 This information would not be automatically collected from the request , but is essential in order to describe the person fully , and the retrieval process has to ensure that it is provided .
5 I suggest that voices should not be entirely dissociated from the social context in which they function and that therefore all texts in modern spoken languages should be regarded as having ‘ the implication of utterance ’ , and be referred to typical participants in some generalised context of situation .
6 What either of these methods might produce would not be far removed from the Silhouette ‘ tipsheet ’ for authors .
7 Sanitary facilities may be included in a demise where the building is amply provided with them or where the position of the lavatories and washrooms is such that access can not be directly obtained from the common parts .
8 For instance , Susan Trangmar 's slide installation can not be fully seen from the margins , but the act of walking to the centre of the four projector installation involves passing one of the projectors so that your shadow passes across the image .
9 Since there is no enumerated list of British black persons ( even assuming that this is a well-defined category ) , speakers from the British black community can not be systematically sampled from a range of social classes .
10 It could hardly be further removed from the conclusion to the story of the Reed Sea .
11 Lanes 1 , 3 and 5 demonstrate , that there is no influence of the nucleotide sequence on protein methylation ; DNA can even be totally omitted from the reaction mixture with no loss of band intensity .
12 He had already advised Donleavy in his bi-weekly reports that Hurley 's security arrangements were derisory , that all sorts of people with no clear allegiance were wandering in and out of NARCOG , ostensibly selling information but just as likely collecting it ; that agents and bona fide informants were being put at risk because of this , and that future DEA or inter-agency operations might well be fatally compromised from the start .
13 Even so , though Hendrix has more or less possessed Randy for the past fifteen years , Hansen 's original guitar influences could n't be further removed from the blues-based , howling feedback style that was to become his shared trademark .
14 You must therefore be well protected from the conditions , which demands clothing and equipment that is tough , carefully designed and well made .
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