Example sentences of "[adv] [that] we [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The matchbox comes into action again , this time to melt the Spectra to the sleeve so that we have the two components fused as one , just as we described earlier .
2 It 's just that we feel the human body can take so much and the English season is a long and punishing one as it it .
3 Our problem is not that we have the wrong answers to particular doubts but that we do not have the right attitude to doubt in general .
4 Suppose we expect the relation ( 1 ) to be unc and suppose further that we have the following experimental table : unc Then in view of ( 5 ) our equations for solutions may be written unc Before we proceed to the least squares solution , let us see what results would be obtained if we solved these equations three at a time , with e taken to be zero for each set of three .
5 To say this would be to deny the universality of what Professor A. J. Ayer says it is natural for us to assume , namely that we use the same word in different situations because we have noticed a distinctive common feature .
6 The joke was that it was sometime later that we learnt the whole affair had been staged by Basil who had been in earlier to go through his in-tray and deal with the important memos , etc .
7 But it finally ended up that we had the whole thing Rousay Egilsay and Wyre .
8 ‘ As the University is so pressurised for space we must make sure now that we get the best courses that we possibly can and that they will earn the income to justify their inception . ’
9 Now that we have the front bed working and set to knit , the yarn that is not taken into the slip needle hook no longer forms a float , but is taken up by the opposite needle and is knitted whilst the slip needle still retains its original knitted stitch .
10 Last week we had the Co-op Congress , and the week before that we had the Basque flag flying from socialist Spain because of our new links with Bilbao the ferry service there .
11 But I do move today that we transfer the technical post that will become vacant in the pollution section by the end of this year to the food section , and that Matthew together with the chief environmental health officer consider how best to write a job description , and advertise for that post , and that while I do not see us securing a budget of two thousand five hundred pounds as under fifteen b , I do recommend that the health education authority are contacted , that their help-line is used , and that our E H O's use their premises in the coming new year .
12 We are of course aware that educational levels may be important at some stage , but we do not pre-classify in this way because we do not assume beforehand that we know the sociolinguistic structure of the speech community : this is what we are trying to find out !
13 It was here that we found the official report of the operation by 22 Squadron on September 17 , 1940 , the report with which I had opened this story .
14 It 's tempting to stop the drama at such morally dubious moments , but it is precisely here that we find the greatest learning opportunities .
15 The objectives are surely that we do the Liberal Democrats some real good , both nationally and in this area , in the longer term as well as for next June .
16 It was then that we made the surprising discovery that the Sultan , " the Great Mountain " , is officially married to Loro Kidul .
17 Suppose then that we divide the mental lexicon into a semantic system , a phonological system and a visual recognition system ( used for the visual recognition of words ) .
18 It is then that we expect the best group from Southern Africa to be there , including the Homeland leaders .
19 It affected the Midland counties most of all , and it is here more than anywhere that we find the planned landscape of Georgian times .
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