Example sentences of "[adv] [that] i [verb] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 There was something enthralling about this scene , the three girls in the circle of insect-laden light , so that I had n't wondered what she was doing and only now did I realise that the girl was a fortune-teller .
2 There had been a delay in building it , so that I had only managed a few hours ' practice in the streets of Salford .
3 It 's just that I 've already mentioned to someone else , and if they ca n't go , then I 'll offer it to you .
4 It 's just that I 've just got too many at , it can only be done a week before
5 It 's just that I 've never given the matter much thought .
6 It 's just that I 've never met a policeman before . ’
7 It 's just that I 've never met anyone as nice as you talk .
8 It 's just that I got so involved with what was going on that I completely forgot !
9 It 's just that I have n't had time to think about it and I only thought that with all those shepherds in the area there was bound to be some traffic in illegally slaughtered lamb .
10 Just that I have n't passed her any
11 It 's just that I have never seen him
12 I 'm not very good at listening to God , but between one and three am God spoke to me so powerfully and painfully that I have never felt so broken before him ( and still do ) .
13 It 's I 've I was telling David outside that I 've absolutely butchered it and I it 's erm two thousand one hundred and sixty .
14 Not that I 've personally got anything against your legs . ’
15 Not that I 've ever felt that way myself ’ He abandoned philosophical speculation to enquire : ‘ Ever done any soldiering , Herr Richter ?
16 Not that I 've ever done a job like this before , should be great fun .
17 Not that I 've ever seen him drunk , ma'am . ’
18 Not that I 've ever seen , no . .
19 Not that I 've ever come across .
20 Not that I 've ever had the slightest sympathy from you .
21 Not that I 'd ever tried it , but , that sort of thing , semolina , and all that ,
22 Not that I 'd actually had nightmares about that .
23 The theological justification behind such an approach ( not that I had necessarily thought this out at the time when I was a member of the church ) must surely be that God 's will must be held to be one with what is good , and therefore what Christianity proclaims can not differ from human ethical goods .
24 Not that I had ever believed in the heart marching ahead alone .
25 ‘ It is not that I have n't got time for girls .
26 Not that I have ever believed we should meekly accept unnecessary cruelty to animals , but having an agricultural background I have wanted to avoid taking a sentimental stance .
27 Were the internal stat to ham on ( not that I have ever had this problem with the Uno internal , but I was a Girl Guide ! ) then 200 watts would not be enough to cause serious ( if any ) overheating in such a large tank .
28 Not that I have ever tried . ’
29 That was about six years ago , I heard that , and I 've heard of one person already that I 've personally met .
30 I was very glad to see that side of him again , I can tell you , and gladder still that I had not succeeded yet in eradicating it .
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