Example sentences of "[adv] [that] [pers pn] [verb] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes she would climax first , sometimes he , and on good nights they would explode together so that they felt the same tingling in the very tips of their toes and even then he 'd had to remember to withdraw — just in case .
2 A speaker somehow ‘ translates ’ his ideas or thoughts into spoken or written signs , he ‘ encodes ’ them , and the hearer translates them back again , he ‘ decodes ’ them , so that he has the same thoughts , near enough , as the speaker .
3 It should be carefully controlled so that it has the same character at all times , and is in perfect accord with the composer 's aesthetic objectives .
4 It is possible , therefore , to construct a sample so that it has the same distribution of characteristics as the population as a whole or , if necessary , selected portions of it .
5 To say this would be to deny the universality of what Professor A. J. Ayer says it is natural for us to assume , namely that we use the same word in different situations because we have noticed a distinctive common feature .
6 He was on his way home — characteristically late , I realize , now that I keep the same office hours from the back blocks of the building where I am now sitting .
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