Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] and [verb] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If the NCVQ was too narrow in its concern with those skill-based qualifications which satisfied employers , the local manager could only wait and see what the final outcome would be between the force of BTEC ( arguing for greater breadth and balance ) and NCVQ .
2 Maybe he 'd better go and buy himself a new bike , that 's always a good way to break bits of the human body .
3 ‘ In fact , ’ said Liz , ‘ I 'd better go and see what the butlers are up to .
4 Every time he walked that 's him come back again and every time he stopped it stopped and this happened a few times and he was very scared and he thought he had better go and see what the noise was and anything well it was just a pet sheep tangled up in its tether .
5 ‘ Let's just wait and see what the critics have to say , ’ Josh returned drily , but he was grinning broadly , clearly delighted .
6 She told her story to an officer she did not know and gave him the number of the Bristol callbox .
7 ‘ If I were to tell you ’ , I said , trying to look each one of them in the eye , which is not an easy thing to do with ninety-odd people , ‘ that Wimbledon was being invaded by alien beings from another planet , you would probably laugh and call me a lunatic .
8 Erm , it it , it makes it very , very difficult to imagine how you 'll recover erm , but in the end it 's a personal decision to , to try to achieve self respect , to care for yourself better , to adopt good habits of nutrition and exercise , not dieting , cos diets are the biggest con trick of all and certainly , to rid your life of people who do n't respect and accept you the way you are .
9 ‘ If you have nothing better to do than prop up buildings , will you kindly go and find yourself a street corner and not clutter up my department !
10 If we do n't go and get it the rats and rooks come and I do n't like fighting rats .
11 Monitor evaluator to actually check and to give you the pessimistic side of everything to break everything down why it wo n't work why this should be done why that should be done instead .
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