Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] that the [noun] is " in BNC.

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1 It will be better , perhaps , if she does not wholly know that the will is in question . ’
2 You say , ‘ we will naturally assume that the party is travelling together ’ .
3 Where hedging of bets ( ‘ ambiguity ’ ) is not just feasible but desirable , we can only assume that the problem is not cancer , but hypochondria .
4 Having worked and been around the Brighton first schools for many years , I would very much hope that the transition is not traumatic .
5 Having worked and been around the Brighton first schools for many years , I would very much hope that the transition is not traumatic .
6 Refusal does not necessarily indicate that the individual is incapable of doing so .
7 This does not necessarily mean that the cholesterol is the cause , or certainly not the sole cause , of heart attacks .
8 This does not necessarily mean that the customer is always right , but it does mean that the customer forms the starting point for the organization 's corporate strategy .
9 Although we have identified a recognition sequence for the DNA-PK , this does not necessarily mean that the kinase is unable to recognise other types of sequence .
10 ‘ I do not think that the situation is slipping out of control .
11 The Government 's commitment to the environment can have no credibility — I stress that I am talking about the Government , not the Minister — if the Prime Minister and the Chancellor do not think that the environment is important , even if lesser Ministers do .
12 [ New ] Wolverton has now been modernised and , apart from a pleasant public library and some flower beds in the narrow residential streets , I do not think that the result is a great amelioration .
13 Gordon Woodroffe , a zoologist who has studied the water voles of the North York Moors , does not consider that the mink is the total rogue it is held out to be in some quarters , but it certainly appears to have caused the vole 's extinction on the Moors .
14 We are co-operating with three European business schools ( ESC Lyons , Henley Management College and ESADE , Barcelona ) to develop the International Management Institute of St Petersburg , and do not consider that the Community is ‘ making a hash ’ of technical assistance to the ex-Soviet Union .
15 Unlike the familiar blood alcohol tests in motoring cases , urinalysis does not demonstrate that the employee is impaired by drugs .
16 We need not doubt that the epithet is justified and I think we are on the right track in attributing its powers to nerve cells with their trigger features and projective zones , but the connecting links are missing .
17 The accused need not know that the act is unlawful : Newbury , DPP v Daley [ 1980 ] AC 237 ( PC ) .
18 This applies only where the person dealing with the company does not know that the action is beyond the powers of the company 's directors under its constitution ( s. 35A(1) — ( 3 ) CA ) .
19 It does not matter that the redevelopment is likely to be carried out by a purchaser from the landlord rather than the landlord himself ( Adams v Green ) ; nor that the redevelopment proposals are very tentative ( Edwards ( JH ) & Sons Ltd v Central London Commercial Estates Ltd ( 1983 ) 271 EG 697 ) .
20 The way of obtaining C outlined above does not assume that the Moon is in hydrostatic equilibrium , which is just as well because it is not .
21 Shoppers can not believe that the process is so straightforward .
22 I share some of my hon. Friend 's views , but I do not believe that the House is yet ready to accept a proposal from the Government that will command wide support from a large number of hon. Members .
23 DW does not warrant that the Program is free from all bugs , errors and omissions .
24 I do not suggest that the scale is immutable .
25 It does not suggest that the EMH is invalid , but that the market shows long-run efficiency , combined with short-run anomalous indicators of temporary inefficiency , that tend to be self-correcting .
26 If you do not recognize that the question is implying that something has been selected , you will only answer a part and not the whole of it .
27 The reason for this in turn is quite straightforward : in any language which makes a distinction between nouns and adjectives , it will be natural to use an adjective when assignment of a property is required ; it may sometimes be quite easy to find an adjective and a noun which express near enough — or even exactly — the same properties , and differ only in that one is an adjective and the other is a noun , but to use the latter for assignment is to risk conveying the unwanted imputation of " entity-hood " on top of the semantic value required ( see Section 1.10 ) ; therefore when a noun or noun phrase is chosen it will normally presuppose that the construction is not that of assignment of a property but instead one of equation .
28 It does not imply that the story is completely untrue , but that it is not literally true .
29 We might finally note that the court is able to rely as an aid to discovering intention on the proposition that what no reasonable board could have believed to be beneficial to the company , the actual board could not have believed either , or , in other words , that where the means adopted could not on any reasonable view lead to the end of benefiting the company , the directors could not have been motivated by a desire to achieve that end .
30 Please could you also ensure that the delay in making this request does not mean that the work is excessively held back .
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