Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] what is [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 These tools of the trade may make planning possible , but they do not necessarily produce what is needed by Soviet society .
2 She may find it difficult to raise this personally more pressing problem , but until the adviser acknowledges her priorities , Sally may not absorb what is said to her .
3 What to me seems surprising is that M. Oliver , who presumably supplied the recipes for the Le Creuset leaflet , does not give what is said to be the old and traditional fondue of Franche-Comté , a dish in every respect superior to its primitive Swiss counterpart , having both greater finesse of flavour and texture and far less brutally indigestible qualities .
4 Some may be misinformed because they misread their newspaper , or because their paper prints inaccurate information , or even because they do not believe what is printed in their paper .
5 The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission will soon publish what is expected to be a definitive assessment of generator problems .
6 We are half-hearted creatures , fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us , like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he can not imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea .
7 Even if the reactor had automatically shut down , there would still remain what is described as ‘ decay heat ’ from the accumulated radioactivity .
8 The explanation will also include what is related to this and is absolutely fundamental to scientific method , which is the experimental procedure of testing and establishing connections by the " varying of circumstances " , which is essentially the discovery of what is relevant and what is irrelevant to a given event .
9 The scene can be " replayed " in ways suggested by the spectators , as if the spectators not only have access to the rewind button of a video recorder , but can also change what is enacted before them .
10 The Department told us it would have to be done ‘ objectively ’ by the careers service ; the careers service tell us that a ) they do n't know what is required of them and b ) they have n't got the manpower to do it anyway .
11 He watches for me to say something , but I wo n't do what is expected of me .
12 The teacher that reads your review that wants to know shall I buy that review , hi hire that video rather or , or what , am I going to use it for my class , they are going to er want that information and they do n't want er concepts introduced which they do n't understand what is meant by it , so be careful in that er erm , we have species of bird , the brambling , which I , I think is a pub in
13 If we as tax payers ca n't decide what is done with our tax dollars , than who can ? ’
14 I do n't have what is referred to as an outgoing personality .
15 In order to fully understand what is meant by Religious Education in the Catholic Secondary School it is necessary to refer to two other distinct , yet at times overlapping , concepts namely Evangelisation and Catechesis .
16 Customs are different on our world and it is my fault that he does not yet understand what is expected of him . ’
17 However , is necessary to firstly define what is meant by ’ useful ’ information , and then to measure the quantity of useful information obtained from this process .
18 No one can please all the people around them , partly because they will never know what is expected of them .
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