Example sentences of "[adv] [vb mod] [adv] be [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Similarly ( b ) alone may not be sufficient as the courts have laid down principles which effectively restrict the time for which any such covenant can run and also the geographical area it can cover .
2 Indeed , too overt an attempt to so could well be counterproductive and lay them open to the charge of meddling .
3 Admittedly , the repetition of such similar patterns together can not be coincidental but , as with the mosaics from Newton St. Loe , this repetition is not always best explained by the presence of the same craftsmen at a different site .
4 Half-heard rows may distress them more ; the fantasy of what is going on downstairs may well be worse than the reality .
5 Hence it is worth explaining , in a way that elsewhere might not be necessary and would be seen as an indulgence , that in our case , once permission was granted , no limits were laid down by senior officers and no censorship role has been retained by the RUC over the final manuscript .
6 The sentence above would still be true if the Greek words meant ‘ ethics ’ , ‘ myth ’ and ‘ lexis ’ ( the technical term for what one gets from dictionaries or lexicons ) .
7 Our proposal was based on the fact that living outside would possibly be cheaper and , if they did n't agree to pay for me to do so , I would remain in the home as an expense to them anyway .
8 In practice the items referred to above will not be identical and the departure from the nominal dimensions will determine the degree of interchangeability and hence the quality of the batch .
9 In practice the items referred to above will not be identical and the departure from the nominal dimensions will determine the degree of interchangeability and hence the quality of the batch .
10 To share a little could not be other than beneficial to the recipient 's soul ! ’
11 However , if you merely ask for a repetition of the number , it still may not be clear if it is fourteen or forty .
12 Keeping the paperwork straight might not be glamorous but it was eighty per cent of the battle as he well knew , and he made certain his staff did too .
13 In substance they are borrowing money , but such borrowings will be included within the minority interests and hence will not be identifiable unless separate disclosure is made .
14 Coyle clearly wo n't be happy if his men again take their feet off the pedal .
15 Once the tax-free payout is made , bonus payments would continue to be added and the amount paid out would never be less than the Guaranteed Minimum Death Benefit specified in the table opposite .
16 Corbett had been alone with her for five minutes when she died , but Mr Justice McKinnon told the jury ’ You simply could not be sure that in the short time Danielle was under his control he caused her death .
17 The drifts surely could not be more than chest-deep on the massive shire , she thought , and with a bit of luck she would get through .
18 The general standards of safety , hygiene , fire precautions etc will generally be lower than in the UK .
19 It er there 'd probably be second or third generation at this stage you know .
20 One suggestion would be that where beliefs A — M constitute conclusive reasons for belief N , A-M could not be true if N is false .
21 If you allow the opponent to come too close , then a step forward may not be necessary but you will have to be very quick with your responses !
22 Ca n't say I agree with all their figures … good as he is I do n't think kelly is worth that sort of money at such an early age … certainly should n't be more than dorigo .
23 Many delegates reiterated Blix 's observations , but there was also general agreement that in the wake of the Chernobyl accident in 1986 [ see p. 34460 ] efforts to restore the nuclear option worldwide would only be successful if public confidence in the operational safety of nuclear facilities could be restored .
24 She certainly wo n't be happy if she thinks you 're just hanging around down here and not getting anywhere .
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