Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] we [verb] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Right , so if we want to be er ninety percent certain about inference that corresponds with ten percent significance level and our critical value there is one point seven zero .
2 ‘ We are not together because we happen to be two women , ’ says Sandra .
3 Just because we appear to be gorging ourselves on war coverage does n't mean to say that we swallow it whole .
4 And I 'm trying to get it through your arrogant skull that I 'm not in the market for a casual roll in the hay just because we happen to be sharing a villa for a few days ! ’
5 That was just before we started to be And we I finished up and me twenty first birthday in a place called and that was in Belgium but in between .
6 These stages can be seen as centres of psychic concentration , phases of emphasis that , in ‘ normal ’ development , are passed through as we progress to being mature , integrated people .
7 But we do say that its object [ has ] been gained , and that after all the stir and excitement , the inconvenience … we are back where we wished to be , and with the miners ' case under negotiation .
8 We will soon find out if we deserve to be where we are . ’
9 As we live on a rotating planet , we are all of us , because of this alone , always travelling at about 1,000 miles an hour all the time even though we appear to be stationary .
10 On the other hand we are fortunate indeed if we happen to be in a business that is so secure that it is enough for us to make effortless decisions that never require us to do more than flow along with established patterns .
11 We wer were there because we wanted to be there .
12 As a Company we are still striving to set our standards even higher , and although such an approach increases our costs of production we believe that this is the only way forward if we wish to be trading with the larger livestock producers in the future .
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