Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] it is [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 Although protection of databases is reasonably effective ( there may also be issues of breach of confidence if parts of a database are used or published without permission ) , it may prove difficult to decide when the database was created , especially if it is subject to continual modification .
2 Good clean garden soil is the best sowing medium , especially if it is inclined to be heavy and has been well sieved to eliminate stones , twigs and similar undesirable debris .
3 Some requesting States may only accept evidence taken in a particular way and the Convention tries to ensure that a request for a special procedure ( for example , for verbatim transcripts or , on the other hand , for a summary of the evidence in deposition form ; or for video-taped evidence ) will not be refused merely because it is inconvenient to the requested State .
4 The particular colour pattern of a Heliconius presumably does not matter much , so long as it is memorable to the local birds .
5 A company can protect information of this kind only so long as it is confidential to the business and not in the public domain .
6 Just because it is convenient to single out some policies for special attention , and just because there are courses on social policy that require the study of a specific and limited range of public policies , we should not therefore fall into the trap of seeing these as the main government contributions to welfare , or the ‘ general good ’ .
7 Thus while it is important to always play you 're best side AND in our case this must involve finishing high enough up the table to get a place in europe , we must keep players like Rocky and continue to play them in the first team .
8 If an issue arises where one or other marriage partner is saddened , hurt or affronted by the other , the most important initial agreement is to communicate this to the other partner as soon as it is acceptable to them both to do so .
9 Venus is exceedingly hot , partly because it is nearer to the Sun than is the Earth , but largely because its atmosphere is so rich in ‘ greenhouse ’ gases .
10 The first to come , and one of the most interesting from Pumfrey 's point of view , was Tom Tedder , who sprawled easily in his chair , seemed as little tensed up as it is possible to be when involved in a murder case , and told them all they needed to know about the teachers ' attitude to the school 's star pupil .
11 They were entitled in my judgment to take into account the actual use by the defendant company and the previous owner in determining what the ordinary use of that vehicle was on the road so far as it is relevant to the question they had to answer .
12 I do not find that the refusal as made evinced a settled intention on her part to persist in that refusal even if it is injurious to her health and when the best interests for her health require that blood be transfused to her .
13 More important , if a trait is advantageous to an individual , it will become fixed in the species by selection , even if it is harmful to the long-term prospects of the species .
14 Even if it is supposed to be pre-washed , a thorough clean is essential before it is placed in the tank .
15 What we have not previously considered is that a cultural trait may have evolved in the way that it has , simply because it is advantageous to itself .
16 This suggests another reason why memory might be related to subjective risk , simply because it is advantageous to the organism to have memory organized that way ( c.f. J. R. Anderson , 1990 ) .
17 It is astonishing that it should have preserved its character so well when it is close to Zurich .
18 Upstream engineers must be willing to release preliminary information even though it is subject to change .
19 Incredibly , the government take £3.50 through VAT from the production of each medal , or roughly twice what the charities get , even though it is due to their cruel neglect that the medals have to be struck in the first place .
20 It can presumably survive , even though it is edible to birds , because birds take it for a monarch , and avoid it .
21 Believe me , I would be truly delighted if she found a new and permanent partner , even though it is difficult to even regard her as a friend after her display of greed , and the wrong impression she deliberately gave you at Ib 's Club from sheer vindictiveness .
22 Post-Keynesian critics of the monetarist approach also reject the idea of a vertical long-run Phillips curve , arguing instead that the long-run Phillips curve slopes downwards from left to right even though it is likely to be steeper than the short-run curve .
23 Yasser Arafat sticks doggedly to the infinitely tortuous ‘ peace process ’ , never saying ‘ no ’ to the Americans , even though it is obvious to him that what the Israelis want is surely unique in the history of peace negotiations : to both set their agenda and to appoint the other side 's representatives .
24 In each case , the solution involves balancing the competing claims of each subprocess , thereby ensuring as far as possible that each subprocess is allowed to contribute to the overall interpretation task as fully as it is able to , while not being forced to make decisions for which it , on its own , has insufficient evidence .
25 Thirdly , if the treatment is available currently , upon clinical decision , under the national health service , should it not be available to patients in north Devon as readily as it is available to patients in London ?
26 It should also be remembered that if an SRO is thought to be acting inappropriately , i.e. if it is subject to regulatory capture , then the SIB can simply revoke its status .
27 Are you secure enough as a parent , comfortable enough with your authority to use it empathetically — firmly when the occasion calls for it , lightly when it is appropriate to be tolerant ?
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