Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] he [verb] out of " in BNC.

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1 Only since he came out of the psikhushka .
2 Charles had his own household to deal with his affairs which he had brought together when he came out of the forces .
3 Completed shortly after he got out of the university , Nice Work retreated from academe to the extent of featuring a central character — Vic Wilcox , a dour Midlands MD — who , almost uniquely among his fictional creations , would not have read the novels of David Lodge .
4 The pilot slammed the powerful jets into reverse thrust , bringing the giant plane to a halt just before he ran out of runway .
5 It shows this air crew just as he baled out of the aircraft less his parachute harness which he had abandoned on landing .
6 But they forgot about him as soon as he disappeared out of sight down the steps which led to the promenade and beach .
7 ( ii ) No , he was arrested as soon as he came out of the water .
8 A local man , known throughout his youth to be a steady worker , apprenticed to a mason , had married as soon as he came out of his apprenticeship , a girl from Rydal , nearby , and they had five children .
9 As soon as he looked out of the window on the morning after he arrived ( he tells them ) and saw what the place was like , he realized that it was based on the tutorial system .
10 As soon as he moved out of Nikkie 's view , however , his demeanour changed and he walked normally without discomfort .
11 His face bearing the ruby-red signature of four sets of young Mambo princess lips , Antonio Banderas grins sheepishly as he stumbles out of a Beverly Hills hotel bedroom .
12 Then he wakes me up when he goes out of the door in the mornings .
13 Now as he comes out of the roundabout he starts overtaking down the offside of those vehicles .
14 The loft covered an area the size of the house , with unused and shadowy places under the eaves which were unlikely to be investigated — particularly by Nigel , who , sadly , even if he came out of hospital would nevermore be able to climb the ladder .
15 So he 's in a bit of ideological bother even before he steps out of his front door .
16 Record of the Year and Song of the Year were awarded for Tears in Heaven , which Clapton wrote as a tribute to his young son , Conor , who died two years ago when he fell out of a window of the singer 's 53rd-floor Manhattan apartment .
17 Paul Newman , 36 , was killed a week ago as he got out of his car in Charity Lane , Eggington , Beds .
18 At first his wife never left him , since the doctors had told her that it was vital that he should find her there when he came out of his coma , and then when the immediate danger had passed she visited him three times a day and gave him his meals .
19 Mardenborough , who has missed the last three games with a medial ligament injury , could be sidelined again after he pulled out of Wednesday 's reserve game at the last minute .
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