Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] i was [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 So if I was to say to you that you can take him to the Justices if that 's your pleasure - " He turned and fixed Sir Gregory with eyes that radiated hatred from beneath fiery brows — " I do n't think you 'd like that , would you ?
2 ( I had taken to climbing over the railings of the barracks each night , as the watchmen on the gate had been forbidden to let me in as I was known to be sleeping there .
3 Not because I was made to be late , but I , I , I , I 'd , me mother had made me cos she said you got ta come home to your dinner and there was no buses there were trams in them days , but I 'd got to get into the town .
4 Just as I was going to work .
5 Peter : Why did you go backwards when I was coming to you ?
6 ‘ As soon as I was introduced to the concept of the Dewhurst Tennis Academy , ’ said Mr Dick , ‘ and its sole directive to produce champions , I knew that I had to assist in this exciting initiative for British tennis ’
7 I always wore clogs , and if an iron came off while I was cycling to town I could take it to him , go off somewhere like the pictures , and it would be ready and waiting for me straight afterwards .
8 jumping around while I was talking to her on the phone , I was getting so pissed the phone .
9 Since well before I was elected to this House , I have pressed for the provision of secure accommodation to end the scandal of young offenders and remand prisoners in particular being held in prison accommodation .
10 I was able to recall perfectly quite long sequences of words even when I was exposed to each for little more than twenty milliseconds .
11 Even when I was going to school I was doing gigs , and when I finished with school I was doing gigs , and when I finished with school I realised that I was able to get by with just the gigs .
12 Well maybe if I was forced to .
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