Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] [vb pp] with [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Multiple regression analysis showed no increase in the correlation when the villous height/crypt depth ratio and intraepithelial lymphocyte count together where compared with the cellobiose/ mannitol % ( multiple r=0.50 ) .
2 While the test may lack specificity Richards and his co-workers make the point that a negative stimulation , especially if coupled with an exercise test , implies an extremely favourable prognosis .
3 Painful , very hard lumps , especially if associated with an injury , either recent or in the past .
4 Accompanying this personalised warfare , there returned a chivalry and a sporting instinct that had all but vanished with the advent of the army of the masses .
5 According to figures released on Aug. 16 , 1990 , by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization ( FAO ) , tropical rainforests were being destroyed at a rate of 168,000 sq km annually as compared with a rate of 94,000 sq km in 1980 .
6 Do n't let them close in ; the wider apart they are , the better your chances of escape — especially when armed with a club .
7 It can give very good sky or water effects especially when combined with a moon/sun or a cloud formation .
8 If that versatile base is closed there will be an enormous impact on the local economy , especially when combined with the closure of the Royal Navy base at Trecwn .
9 It is at least arguable : the employers did after all give in when faced with a strike , and effectively surrendered on this very question for the future , since they would have to pay the male rate to all the new ( male ) monotypists .
10 ‘ I never cease to be struck by the extraordinarily high performances individuals can turn in when faced with a challenge properly identified and given the means to deliver .
11 Thus when faced with a specification such as the following for so-called ‘ executive information systems ’ , one wonders exactly how the system is expected to filter and compress critical data received from the external environment ! :
12 A Cleveland ( Ohio ) longitudinal study of a group of families of all social classes ( Dingle et al , 1964 ) , for instance showed that frequency in infectious gastroenteritis more than doubled with a rise from family size three to eight ( from .97 to 2.11 per person per year ) .
13 The unloaded transfer function is At sufficiently high frequencies to satisfy , falls off as compared with the fall off as for the simple C-R and L-R filters .
14 Bake at 180C/350F/Gas 4 for 25 minutes or until the top springs back when pressed with a finger .
15 Our Life operations have made outstanding progress during the year and Life premium increases in the UK are encouraging , particularly when compared with the rest of the market .
16 To executives more accustomed to the slick , desk-pounding , hustling and screaming school of salesmanship , Branson 's gauche , schoolboy manner and his abashed confessions that ‘ actually , I 'm not sure who produced this one ’ proved appealing , particularly when allied with the offer to license yet another curious collection of British haircuts whom their competitors were anxious to sign .
17 The sale of council houses to sitting tenants has ( as Hamnett , 1989 , notes ) helped to shift tenure patterns significantly , particularly when coupled with the lack of housebuilding in the public sector .
18 Nigel was almost as impressed with the fireplace as I had been , and really it inspired a feeling that was almost reverent .
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