Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] [pers pn] be [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And I sort of said , Well you know I ca n't really say obviously cos I 'm not Rachel .
2 But that 's only if you are actually part of the union .
3 So if it was n't TV dinners it had to be fish and chips .
4 So if it was n't Sal 's birthdate , how about Frank 's ?
5 On the other hand , many elderly persons are ‘ trapped ’ locationally by their low earnings and position in the housing market , especially if they are not owner-occupiers .
6 This method of examination involves cutting a very thin slice from the object , which is fixed to a microscope slide and ground down until it is only 0.02mm thick .
7 They try to blend them together when they 're really opposites ! ’
8 Anyone can do it so long as they are not criminals or kids , and promise to play by the rules .
9 It had been bad enough when it was only Papa and the newspapers .
10 So when they 're actually blood grouping they 're using human blood serum to er test which group you belong to .
11 So though it 's now Torvill and Dean PLUS Phil and Isabelle , it 's all right .
12 But so too may be identification with the other , as Charles Marowitz implies when he describes Genet 's The Blacks as a play which champions blacks ‘ not because they are socially downtrodden but because they personify two of [ Genet 's ] favourite types : The Rebellious Outcast and The Splendid Primitive …
13 So anyway while I was there Darren came in .
14 David Bruce and partner Paul Adams may find themselves once again deprived of the opportunity to regain control of their old company just as they were when Stakis paid European Leisure £9.7m last year .
15 From now on , when Cissie was taking her bath , that door would be locked , just as it was when Beth herself was bathing .
16 After a while Moran tired of looking at the newspapers and went outside though it was almost night .
17 He set off while it was still night , at three in the morning .
18 Worse , the beam shut off while I was still four-metres from the ground .
19 Anne found it difficult to like Hetty , although she had to admit honestly that it was partly because she was not Sarah .
20 Such charges are totally outside the scope of VAT altogether because they are not charges for goods or services .
21 Aldrich and Brown — find out where they were yesterday afternoon .
22 To this extent the wheel has turned full circle and the NHS is back where it was when Mrs Thatcher was so irritated by stories of bad news about health services that she announced her review of the NHS .
23 We are taking responsibility for people who we were not taking responsibility for before so it is n't sort of entirely buckshee money which we distribute , there are real responsibilities here .
24 It was , he decided , Emersonianism — a disease ( if that is what it is ) which is certainly no less rife now than it was when Winters made his diagnosis fifty years ago .
25 Those ones or , are n't too bad though cos they 're only marks .
26 It is not really because I was just Noel and I just had a chat this morning .
27 Forfeiting an extra hour in bed to get up and muck out while it is still pitch dark or traipsing through muddy fields on bitterly cold days to break the ice on the water trough can take its toll on the keenest of owners .
28 The situation is a little better today than it was when Barbara Wootton wrote these words fifteen years ago in Social Science and Social Pathology .
29 I do n't think we 've got anything particularly unusual about our hubcaps or well if they were really sort of amazing hubcaps then
30 And then I , well if it 's really income he needs , I thought he could look at an equities portfolio for the eighty thousand , say , forty thousand in er groceries and forty thousand in pharmaceutical .
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