Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] [pron] [vb base] any [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 No it 's okay not to worry , do n't worry about it , it 's alright , we 'll come and pick it up then so if we come any time after sort of tomorrow brilliant , that 's great , thanks every so much for your help , bye .
2 They should do so if they have any compassion .
3 So if you have any growing in a corner of your garden , cut some of them down now and by July there will be fresh growth for butterflies to lay their eggs on .
4 This is an easy walk so if you have any energy left try climbing Lingmore Fell for good views of the Langdale Pikes and Great Langdale .
5 You could start your own playgroup so if you want any help or advice contact the Pre-School Playgroup Association ( address opposite ) .
6 you know , on the morning , so if you want any money out on the Wednesday , Wednesday that week dad
7 Children often become familiar with the number names long before they achieve any understanding of their meaning .
8 Sometimes meters can be placed inside the house , but not if you have any take-off piping to a garden tap , greenhouse , shed or swimming pool .
9 Not if you have any sense , duckie , ’ shouted a stout Northern female bystander to much laughter .
10 Research into these interesting vehicles is continuing — meanwhile if you have any information , please let the joint Editors know .
11 The right hon. Member for Manchester , Gorton ( Mr. Kaufman ) and his team are always ingenious in defending whatever the policy of the moment is ; it is just that that policy is changed so often that it leaves a little bit of a question mark over whether they have any plan or direction at all .
12 An underpowered helicopter will rapidly decelerate as soon as you apply any control input and the model will come to a dead stop-probably inverted .
13 Of course you ca n't ride it up trackless slopes of heather , peat hags and boulder fields — in fact you have to carry it on your shoulder as soon as you leave any kind of track at all — but it performed brilliantly on the rocky Land-Rover track back down from the hill .
14 We 're holding the gains by effective communiucation between the process and QC operations and by charting the improvement so that everyone can see what has been achieved and can react quickly if they see any deterioration .
15 It 's a Dales Explorer , go as you please and get on and off when you want any day you like , ’ he assured her .
16 However , both the license and the right to use the Program terminate automatically if you violate any part of this Agreement .
17 He was sympathetic , " I do not intend " , he declared , " so far as I have any power , to allow the increase of Chinese seamen in the United Kingdom ports to be continued " .
18 Well if you need any thing
19 I was down at T V I as well borrowing their video camera and er Margaret said that she 'd be quite keen to come involved as well if I want any help from her
20 If the material will take pressing then press the whole length and block it out to its finished dimensions well before you attempt any cutting .
21 Okay if you want any help or anything I should be around for
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