Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] [pron] may [not/n't] be " in BNC.

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1 I do not want over-regulation or road traffic engineers simply toeing the line and following regulations as they are laid down where they may not be appropriate for their particular locality .
2 In all phases of the education system , community language sessions have to be made enjoyable : such language learning is a process which has a real capacity to engage the learners even where there may not be significant material rewards .
3 Only under a threat to withdraw the final from Del Mar did the organisers appreciate that a roof was an integral part of the deal , even if it may not be needed to protect horses and riders from the elements .
4 In other words , we have another instance where common surface patterns are followed even when they may not be quite appropriate to the intensional structure ( see Section 8.7 ; and Ferris , 1982 ) .
5 Likewise , we can respond to highly diluted fragrances even though we may not be able to smell them ( these are conclusions drawn from the results of other experiments carried out at Warwick ) .
6 We do need to ensure that a broad range of views are truly represented even though we may not be able to force individual citizens ( consumers ? ) to acknowledge these .
7 In addition Mr Patient is very likely to have had one or two close friends , probably from some ti me back in his life history , who may be dramatically affected by his death , even though they may not be visibly there close by or apparently very emotionally involved .
8 Large district libraries with bookstocks of between 40,000 to 100,000 volumes should ‘ meet the demands of all those whose main need is for books and information on specific subjects , even though they may not be engaged in formal study ’ , and also ‘ meet the needs of those who wish to select their books from a wide range of cultural or recreational materials of high standard ’ .
9 The company structure introduces the statutory requirement for an audit and the concept of directors ' liability even though they may not be shareholders .
10 Currently , all FIMBRA members are able to offer pensions advice , even though they may not be properly qualified in what is acknowledged to be a highly complex area .
11 Her backwardly turned ears and slightly lifted tail show that she is interested in mating , even though she may not be ready yet .
12 When you are disappointed with the way other people react to you , assume ( even though it may not be true ) that it is your fault .
13 Even though it may not be possible or desirable to run a full-scale programme of this kind , it is sensible to agree the purpose of making a video recording and , from that , criteria to apply to the end result .
14 Ordinal scales are used where it is possible to order cases in respect of the degree to which they exhibit a certain property or quality , even though it may not be possible to state precisely how much of that property they have .
15 Yet while it may not be possible , in a given case , to come to a clear decision one way or the other , it can not , I shall argue , be coherently assumed that a decision is logically impossible and at the same time insisted that the object in question exists in an ontological sense .
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