Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] [noun] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Parkin asserts that only if women see themselves in non-family terms is stratification by gender meaningful , but he presents no evidence as to what women actually feel in relation to their family or class position .
2 It is a key enabler for this , but only if people use it as a way of changing the way business is done rather than merchandising existing systems and organisations .
3 So if people want it to be there it should be there , no question .
4 There may have been few spiritual insights in his system , but in his Principles of philosophy ( 1644 ) he did insist that bodies continue in existence only because God preserves them in being .
5 It was not long before Tony joined me in an attempt to free himself of the sizzling mushrooms .
6 She thinks the microwave ‘ has changed our perceptions of time , much as telephones changed them at the turn of the century ’ .
7 ‘ No , I am not going to be sick again , ’ she added fiercely as Elise eyed her in alarm .
8 They would be quite happy to forget all those things so long as Fedorov obliged them by carrying out certain routine tasks from time to time .
9 With the definition of more precise points , metrical procedure for sexing will be valuable in the study of large series , especially as measurement lends itself to more reliable statistical analysis ( as Pons , 1955a , b ; Thieme , 1957 ; and Thieme & Schull , 1957 , have shown ) .
10 Arsenal could also have had a penalty when Campbell went crashing down as Forrest challenged him in the box for a Wright through-pass , but the referee dismissed their claims .
11 He was so involved in these thoughts that when the school finally loomed into view he failed to notice it and only when Tock poked him in the side did he look up and see the gigantic sight .
12 The ‘ reactive ’ response is to medicate only when observation confirms something to be amiss — and there are dangers in both approaches .
13 The question facing women 's studies today is the extent to which she has , in the last decade , matured into the dutiful daughter of the white patriarchal university — a daughter who threw tantrums and played the tomboy when she was younger , but who has now learned to wear a dress and speak and act almost as nicely as Daddy wants her to .
14 So when Jane asked him for a loan , he snapped back : ‘ I think my first duty is to look after myself ! ’
15 I must have said that several times already because Ma fixed me with a glittering stare and exclaimed , ‘ If you say that word once more , Andrew , just once more , I 'll send you to the Science Museum again … with Annabel . ’
16 Many women I spoke to hardly bothered with a Dupatta indoors while others told me in whispers that they wore it only because their mothers-in-law insisted .
17 William 's solicitor believes much of the trauma could have been avoided if police had checked their identification files sooner since William looked nothing like the suspect who was at least twenty years younger .
18 The workmen turned away after parents told them of their fears for the safety of local children .
19 On a tour of India , Diana turned her face away as Charles forced himself into a stilted show of affection and his kiss turned into an ugly grimace .
20 If they had agreed a price the deal would have gone through just as SMS found itself in so much trouble with Volvo [ SMS was forced to resign the $40m Volvo account in early 1991 , after it was discovered the agency was rigging performance advertisements ] .
21 Just as genes propagate themselves in the gene pool by leaping from body to body via sperms or eggs , so memes propagate themselves in the meme pool by leaping from brain to brain via a process which , in the broad sense , can be called imitation .
22 When she pronounced us clean , I lounged and smiled some more , thought peacefully about the Frazillian fee , watched peacefully as Posi took us into Firstlight .
23 you know it 's almost as if it 's like er you know a sort of negative thing to , to , to find out about somebody erm so erm yeah I mean I think I , so I think you 'll , I think you 'll , you 'll of necessity have to try and do something which captures this , this sort of informal talk because as soon as people commit themselves to writing they 're gon na be erm they 're gon na be
24 The regional tourist boards should now be strongly supporting the need for the national framework , for guidance and assistance that can only come from a central body — yet they dare not speak too loudly for fear that their reduced funding will be cut even further if DoNH reallocates it to the national level .
25 Willie held his hand out stiffly while Sammy lathered it with his tongue .
26 In short , ever since Blackett converted him to geophysics , he has been the world 's most tireless ambassador for geophysics in general and British geophysics in particular .
27 For Prothero is the demon-king of the Poundian pantomime , ever since Pound cast him for this role by printing , at the end of his essay on De Gourmont — originally in the Little Review , then in Instigations ( 1920 ) — the letter which Prothero wrote him in October 1914 :
28 Claudia said demurely as Roman carried her into the bedroom .
29 His hat-trick was completed seven minutes later when Donnelly found him from midfield , and he made no mistake beating the lonesome figure of Keeley .
30 She admitted it tempestuously as Luke deprived her of the erotic stimulation of his mouth , opening her eyes just in time to see the blaze of triumph in his as he heard her .
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