Example sentences of "[adv] [num] [prep] [art] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 It 's still only four-thirty in the morning in New Orleans .
2 The yen has stayed below 120 to the dollar in March after trading above 130 yen in March 1992 , a MOF official told a briefing after Japan 's February trade data was released .
3 Support workers rarely left because they found other preferred employment or because they disliked the work ( this happened with only three of the workers in Ipswich and only four in Newham ) .
4 in Ludlow , we 've to the er , the Whitchurch initiative , there 's something going on in , in Lud in Ludlow at present which is particularly education , social service linked at , but at the end of the day that 's also about jobs , two jobs of training , and perhaps one of the ways in which we solve er , land issues erm , and , and of course Craven Arms is now , is now coming up in each profile as needing something done , and I 'm also being approached about the East Water Block Coking where there are particular problems in those areas .
5 But that is only one of the factors in North Yorkshire that is influencing the vacancy rate .
6 This is because it assumes that only one of the candidates in each position is correct , so the assignment of scores to words has to be delayed until the maximum for any given position is known .
7 Only one of the characters in tonight 's film would turn even the occasional head in the street Mick Daley from Bootle .
8 Through SuperNet , a whole new concept in communications efficiency is opened up — and SuperNet is only one of the ways in which Harris Adacom can maximise the effectiveness of your systems to exploit opportunities when they occur .
9 Language is only one of the ways in which they communicate and , certainly at the beginning of the novel , not the most important .
10 Only two of the leaders in the regional leagues , Firebrands and Chelmsford , were victorious .
11 ICI and Du Font are only two of the firms in the chemical industry , but their output is rather more significant than their number would suggest !
12 Fearing the results of open elections , even for only one-third of the seats in the Sejm ( now to be the lower house of parliament ) , the party wanted a strong president .
13 ONE of the happiest men in Basildon was Joe Mills , an Essex University student from Harlow , who claimed the 800 metres title by just four-hundredths of a second in the Championships ' best race .
14 An example is provided by Rome in the late fourth and third centuries BC , the period which saw Rome emerge from being just one of the cities in Italy to become the conqueror of Carthage and a principal power in the ancient world .
15 The days when Souness was just one of the stars in a great Liverpool side are long gone .
16 He flipped just one of the bolts in a casual way and strode off towards the farmhouse across the Paddock .
17 MAY I please be allowed to comment on just one of the points in Mr Prytherch 's letter ( WCM July ) , written in refutation of mine of last December .
18 Just two of the ways in which Northern Telecom advanced telecommunications products are helping both big and small businesses in more than one hundred countries worldwide .
19 ‘ I have a thing to tell you , ’ he said , finding Daalny frowning over the tuning of a rebec under one of the torches in the hall .
20 His address was 74 Charlotte Street , Portland Place , and his friend Craig , who lived in London was probably one of the influences in his going to London .
21 The Gibraltar Socialist Labour Party ( GSLP ) led by Joe Bossano was returned to office with nearly three-quarters of the vote in elections in the self-governing British colony on Jan. 16 .
22 Shales picked up one of the newspapers in front of him and pitched it down the table in Dowd 's direction .
23 He would ring up one of the women in his little black book and pay for his excesses .
24 The female alights on the rim of a stranger 's nest , picks up one of the eggs in her beak , flies off with it and then swallows it .
25 At about 11.20 on the night in question he arrived back in his room and wanted to use the lavatory .
26 You can get special surface-mounting boxes which have a slot to take mini-trunking , but if these are not available , simply run the mini-trunking up to the edge of the box and knock out one of the holes in the side .
27 Legislation had been passed , at the height of the bubble , to stop the creation of new joint-stock companies , which ruled out one of the ways in which the British had organized their expansion overseas , Walpole , the Prime Minister who picked up the pieces after the collapse , was first of all concerned to make sure that the King and his government did not run into any more trouble , which meant a programme of no new taxes , no wars , no new assertion of authority , and much less expansion than either before or after .
28 Surprise seeing Aston Villa losing at home and Swindon beating supposedly one of the teams in form , QPR .
29 Thus the Restart variable has , since 1986 , contributed about 750,000 to the fall in unemployment . ’
30 The bags were of that thinner kind of plastic they use for the bags that they give away at the supermarket , the free ones ; and now one of the bags in her right hand split and she just stood there helpless to stop them as three cans fell out and rolled across the concrete .
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