Example sentences of "[adv] [num] [prep] [art] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 So two-thirds of the attackers moved round , as silently as they could , under the high perimeter walling , to the front of the establishment , whilst the remainder , leaving a small guard on the horses , went in the other direction , west-about , to the area of the broken-down curtain walls , nearer at hand .
2 The number of births soon began to fall dramatically — by the early 1980s it was only two-thirds of the figure reached twenty years earlier ; car ownership did not increase at the expected rate — due in part to the sharp increase in Petrol prices in the early 1970s ; the demand for higher standards conflicted from the mid-1970s with central government 's belief that local government expenditure needed to be curtailed in line with a monetarist approach to economic policy .
3 Italian television on Aug. 18 said that only 154 of the refugees remained .
4 Feare ( 1970a ) noted that 10000 of the egg capsules laid in rock pools of normal salinity hatched ; in contrast to only 2700 of the capsules laid in pools through which there was a freshwater run-off .
5 Only 30 of the species survive — and the bulge is a sign of pregnancy .
6 Unfortunately Ken 's recovery has suffered a setback after seeing us still in the title race with only fourteen-sixteenths of the season remaining .
7 Despite the restriction of the survey to schools which had been scheduled at least to have made a start on the review , only four-fifths of the teachers included actually had .
8 Only six of the studies reported results for respiratory or diarrhoeal morbidity : three of the community trials , two of the measles trials , and one of the trials in very low birthweight infants .
9 Only three of the devices found did not explode .
10 The ratio for the Dow Jones Industrial Index was 0.6673 while the average for the 34 funds was 0.633 and only 11 of the funds had ratios higher than that of the index .
11 This difference is due to the fact that only one-sixth of the records added to the ‘ six additions ’ figure will overflow , two-sevenths of the ‘ seven additions ’ , three-eighths of the ‘ eight additions ’ , and so on .
12 Perhaps one of the family told them . ’
13 One Head Girl found her team circling round the stage once as rehearsed but then galloping straight off stage to the lavatories ; apparently one of the Girls had realized that she had a sudden attack of diarrhoea and had acted with unheard-of initiative .
14 But he had a rather military approach to the work and he did run some rather tough courses for some of the boys , so one of the parents complained .
15 So one of the ways to overcome that is to set yourself a target to do more
16 Then another time I smashed my cell up and slashed my arms and that , because I did n't get any letters or anything like that , so one of the screws came in and they put us down the block .
17 The richest town in the area was Lavenham , where trade developed early , and where perhaps three-quarters of the population depended directly or indirectly on cloth manufacturing .
18 Only one-tenth of the staff work in poor countries .
19 Seb asked the whereabouts of Jacob Brailey , the Cockney gang-boss , a number of times without receiving any coherent reply , when a voice from inside one of the tents boomed , ‘ Who 's that asking for me ? ’
20 Only three-quarters of the amount budgeted for buying foreign goods in 1988 was actually spent .
21 However , the ampersand acts as an ‘ or ’ qualifier , meaning that only one of the elements specified , the one which matches first , will be acted on .
22 Getting away with extremely low wages is only one of the benefits enjoyed by the employer ofhomeworkers .
23 Although the word " leprosy " is used throughout , true leprosy as we would define it is only one of the diseases mentioned here .
24 Giving voice to the demands , and warning about the constraints on teachers buying books , Pat Clark , a teacher and member of the Federation of Children 's Book Groups , reminded booksellers and publishers alike that ‘ books are only one of the resources needed by teachers ’ .
25 As explained above , the main feature of these proposals is that the UK should adopt an Article 85-type law on restrictive trade practices , and an Article 86-type law on abuse of market power ( though this is only one of the options put forward ) , while retaining the present UK arrangements for mergers policy .
26 Disclosure is only one of the areas dealt with in the regulations ; they also set out the principles and rules to be followed in preparing building societies ' accounts .
27 Only one of the detectors has hinted at finding something new , but the evidence is thin and the experimenters are keen not to make any premature fuss .
28 Financial considerations proved to be only one of the problems facing the Partnerships , the other major constraint relating to the question of management .
29 Only one of the statutes accords the title of gentleman to landowners of this magnitude , yet it is clear that a great many , if not most of them , laid claim to the style even at the risk of carrying a bigger sail than they could bear .
30 Only one of the paratroopers expressed any regret , telling the police : ‘ It started as a joke .
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