Example sentences of "[adv] [num] [noun] [conj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The HWIM system had only 1,362 entries whereas we had 4,000 potential candidates in the lexicon ( excluding reduced forms ) , with plans to increase this to 20,000 .
2 It was only eight weeks since we had left Aubagne yet there was a difference in the way in which we behaved and in which we saw ourselves .
3 It could be only eight years before he becomes King William V. But unlike his father , he will be well equipped for another role — that of partner and parent .
4 It was only thirty-six hours since she 'd been washed up on the island like a piece of flotsam , she reminded herself ; early days to start bewailing her fate .
5 Levitt was rejected for the Queens Award only 12 months before he secured the top honour .
6 She was only thirteen stone when they took her in that last time , she was massive , she must of only been about five foot
7 She is usually working on a series of paintings and says , ‘ One picture sets you off on a road , and I have to make perhaps six paintings before I come to a fork , onto another road ’ .
8 She is usually working on a series of paintings and says , ‘ One picture sets you off on a road , and I have to make perhaps six paintings before I come to a fork , onto another road ’ .
9 The son who was born in 1511 , lived only six weeks and there followed a succession of miscarriages and still-births , so Henry VIII convinced himself that God was punishing him for marrying his late brother 's widow , so he sought the Popes annulment of the marriage .
10 He was finally given a pension , but by that time he was old , he was half paralysed , and he was nearly blind , and he died in eighteen thirty-six , only six years after he 'd received this recognition and this pension .
11 It is only three years since she took up painting dogs as a profession , but in that short time she has been kept constantly in work .
12 So , only three days after she had got the sack , she caught a train — drawn by a diesel called Peter Pan — from Liverpool Street into Suffolk .
13 It was only three days since they had spoken , and they were not particularly close friends .
14 Only three days and they seemed to have travelled a great distance .
15 Then I spent three years there and it was only three weeks after I 'd left that I was offered the part of Russell in Butterflies .
16 He had spoken only three words but they had sounded different … nice .
17 In mid-March LVMH reduced its debts by selling part of those businesses , the Lanson brand , only three months after it had bought it .
18 Jessie had said a fortnight , but it was only nine days since she had broken the awful news to her .
19 ‘ You 've got light fingers , ’ Mrs Gooden said approvingly one Sunday as she watched Clare , with the tips of her fingers , mix flour and lard in the big yellow mixing bowl .
20 It seemed incredible to Tug that only five minutes before he had been calling her Ma and they had been grinning at each other .
21 Do n't accept a wood treatment guarantee as proof that infestation has been eliminated ; reinfestation has been found rife in a roof space only five years after it had been treated .
22 His funeral took place at SS Peter and Paul , Yeadon where only five months before he had celebrated the silver jubilee of his ordination .
23 Now er her husband came down one day and I said to him , what 's your name , and he said Mr
24 Three drawers down one side and it 's got it
25 I 've put an apple tree down one side and I 've got a victoria plum on the other side .
26 Jordi had been in Salamanca only one day but he had found out where I was living .
27 Not only did the Manchester conference reject the memorandum with only one dissenter but it went on to request : that Conferences of the Labour Party League of Youth be empowered to freely discuss and record decisions upon policy .
28 Children should also work for only one hour before they start school .
29 There 's only one branch that I 've been and that was Bury .
30 There was only one occasion when he intervened during the rehearsals , according to Irene Worth .
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