Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] him [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the end the man became so nervous that I had to hold his arm and literally steer him through the crowd to the right spot .
2 For the remaining half-hour she would be pleasant to him , and then she would quietly and purposefully remind him of the time , and with gentle dignity insist that he take her home .
3 But oh , Nicodemus if you only see him as a teacher you only see the minute part of me !
4 Keegan 's not wrong to sell because you either do one of two things with this type of striker , build a side around him or just sit him on the bench for use in emergencies .
5 I shut Ben in the conservatory now when I go out through the week , we just put him in the garage when we go out the weekend
6 He comes to the door just like that ; no servants , no security phone , and that by itself gives you the green light ; you have n't the time for any finessing so you just kick him in the balls and follow him inside as he collapses , foetal on the floor .
7 Just slap him about a bit .
8 Ah just ask , just ask him for a drop of
9 He was moved and promising miracles , the recovery of things lost , the wholeness and holiness of things profaned ; but the faith she had professed was perhaps no more than a conviction that the star of the Prince of Aberffraw would not fail him , and that God would humour him and not cheat him of the fulfilment of his vow .
10 Everything goes as planned and I soon bully him into the landing net , and from there the hook is removed and he is slid into my big , knotless keepnet , where he can lie safe and recover while I try to catch him some company .
11 Her existence certainly saved him from making decisions : ‘ I 've got to consult my wife ’ always let him off the hook and annoyed the independent Jane .
12 It 's no good pinching his ear , you have to do something more dramatic , like kick him in the crutch . ’
13 I always use him as an example when people ask why make travel difficult .
14 You usually avoid him like the plague . ’
15 but I do n't reckon he erm went up to deliberately shove him out the way .
16 Some people 's conception of God is simply of the old man with a beard in the sky ; others have a more sophisticated vision , but still see Him as a person , subject to feelings and emotions in the same way as human beings are ; yet others conceive of Him ( or , occasionally , Her — or , even , It ) as a creative force .
17 as if running away from his own mind the tragic Haffey emigrated to Australia where Scottish exiles still see him as a figure of unrivalled fun .
18 Also ask him for the telephone number of the Home Service Adviser for your area , in case you need further advice .
19 I really like him as a person because he cared and possessed other good qualities .
20 The villagers now respect him as a man of different experience .
21 ( 8 ) Finally the farmer asked his dog to bark loudly at the donkey ( 10 ) and thereby frighten him into the shed .
22 Finish him with one hard accurate kick to the groin and immediately push him into the rest of the pack as you run like the wind .
23 Basically Wegman expresses his view of the world as an absurd and irrational place by photographing Man Ray in a variety of disguises — inked-on whiskers and ears cunningly transform him into a cat , in a dress he becomes a transvestite , and in a hotel bed with Fay he becomes the envy of every red-blooded hound on the planet .
24 Possibly even tie him into a couple of torso cases and a bullion robbery . ’
25 Please get him to the phone now . ’
26 If you know of any in existence , please contact him at the London office .
27 I do n't want him to say well she did n't come round , she did n't ask me for the money , I mean I have n't ask him for the money and , he 'd like to on a Friday , when one come up , when the next one comes you can you ?
28 Every professional knows that if he holes a few of those vital putts of eight feet or more , it can transform his whole round and maybe make him into a winner .
29 And if Fido 's chewing the carpet , then put him on the couch .
30 But the Foss men were famously militant , they had been ever since a young minister with lordly tastes and little scholarship had been foisted on them by the laird twelve years before and they had first boycotted him , then run him down the road on a cart .
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