Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [that] i [vb past] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Richard Morton is generally credited with the first medical description in 1689 and he poignantly captured the key clinical feature : ‘ I do not remember that I did ever in all my practice see one , that was conversant with the living so much wasted with the greatest degree of a consumption ( like a skeleton only clad with skin ) ’ .
2 By then the subject-matter had enthralled me , and I shall not say that I felt more loving .
3 There was a click and she 'd gone , and I could hardly believe that I 'd ever doubted her as a relay post .
4 ‘ And why on earth should you automatically assume that I came here with the express purpose of blackmail ? ’
5 You know how I do , I could n't remember that I 'd actually started the the Easter term doing the erm choices etcetera , I always thought it was the later half of that term , the latter half of that term .
6 He , he did n't realize that I had more stacked in the other room ready to come out
7 Back at home I did n't mention that I had barely escaped being branded as a melon thief ; but now , having ridden a bicycle , I realized that I would not be happy until I possessed one of my own .
8 I ca n't say that I looked too far ahead , probably because I 'm the kind of person who lives for today .
9 I could n't say that I felt very well for that was n't quite true , but I certainly no longer felt ill .
10 I ca n't say that I did honestly enjoy it at first .
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