Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [coord] [vb infin] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Well I think I 'd better go and look at the jam again .
2 I will not act or suffer at the sword 's edge — Not that — I will not bleed — my dear , do you remember ? "
3 ‘ Power and knowledge directly imply each other … there is no power relation without the correlative constitution of a field of knowledge , nor any knowledge that does not presuppose and constitute at the same time power relations ’ ( Foucault , 1977 : 27 ) .
4 A politician , however eminent or popular , who lacks that base will not reach or survive at the top .
5 A Shamen show is designed so you do n't just stand and stare at the band : and though the live act might be the heart of the show , the spectacle of Colin ( cropped Aberdeen curls , Trotsky shades ) , and Will ( shoulder length braided locks , shabby green fatigues ) is only part of an evening of light , music and effects that now involves around ten people .
6 Can I just go and shout at the office please ?
7 I 'll just go and look at the underwear .
8 lines of type that do not start or end at the same position .
9 ‘ I do n't mind more work , ’ Anna said , ‘ but I have to confess that my heart does rather quail and fail at the thought of three times as much French jacquard-weaving machinery specifications to translate as I have already . ’
10 His accuracy and stinginess with runs made him almost without equal as a one-day bowler , for he could both contain and attack at the same time since the bounce he got from his great height and the control he had over the ball gave him the extra penetration that brought wickets .
11 ‘ I could n't eat or drink at the moment .
12 Amiss directed ferocious attention towards his tray , giving a spirited impression of a man who could n't eat and listen at the same time .
13 They ca n't stay and look at the , that child all the time can they ?
14 He was a good baby , did n't startle and wake at the least noise , like some did , but there was a pleasure in being gentle and slow about things .
15 I wonder why he did n't go and work at the bank ? ’
16 The problem I must admit the problem that surprised me with overheads is that erm people ca n't write and listen at the same time , or the other thing is , you put something on an overhead th every bit of it gets written down which is why I adapted it so that you did .
17 It was Irene , for instance , who pointed out something I 'd never been able to put my finger on : that Tod ca n't talk and smile at the same time .
18 Rights to either buy or sell at a specified price within a specified period ( 3 months ) .
19 However , when the risk-free asset is introduced to this situation investors will all either borrow or lend at the risk-free rate .
20 Some mares will actually stand and paw at a paddock fence because they want to get to a stallion that is a couple of paddocks away — consequently they are likely to cut a leg or rip off a shoe if the bottom wire of the fence is too close to the ground .
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