Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [coord] [vb mod] not [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 The questions he could not answer and could not ignore .
2 I think our view of the effects of numbers significantly lower than the ones that we 've put to you , is first of all that there are a number of factors which planning can not influence and will not influence .
3 The DC must already exist and must not have been submitted .
4 The DC must already exist and must not have been submitted .
5 The DC must already exist and must not have been activated .
6 The SPR must already exist and must not have been submitted .
7 The SPR must already exist and must not have been submitted .
8 The SSR must already exist and must not have been submitted .
9 The SSR must already exist and must not have been submitted .
10 The Product must already exist and must not have been registered .
11 The Product must already exist and must not have been registered .
12 In promoting our credit facilities we shall not put pressure on you to borrow money which you do not need or can not afford .
13 And he warned : ‘ Unless this approach is changed , the Government will not survive and will not deserve to . ’
14 ‘ Unless this approach is changed , the Government will not survive and will not deserve to . ’
15 And he warned : ‘ Unless this approach is changed , the Government will not survive and will not deserve to . ’
16 In doing this it would have been helpful to include profitability or value added as the independent variable but in all countries there were many companies which did not know or would not release these figures in relation to individual products .
17 In modern times we have effectively eliminated possibility 3 by incorporating it within our scheme : Quantum mechanics is essentially a theory of what we do not know and can not predict .
18 It is to enable those who do not know and can not know enough for policy-making to make policy , yet it is to have no policies of its own . ’
19 He did not know and could not have been expected to know the qualities of petrol .
20 He did not know and could not say : he tore off the silly beard and began a sentence about resignation , which he could not finish .
21 These are part of the construct of contemporary childhood which we can not exclude and must not ignore .
22 If she ate enough she would not speak and could not cry out .
23 The Triplane shuddered but would not break and would not burn .
24 Miss Linnet Gage , therefore , would not believe and would not wish to believe Cara 's story .
25 Many of these anxieties arise because women do not understand and can not control the physical changes which they experience at this time .
26 Seventy percent of the expenditure is on staff who you do not employ and can not dismiss , a large part of the income , or all the income is through the fees that are set na nationally by the government .
27 The " labouring poor " covers the majority who did work and who were less than comfortably off , but the truly poor were usually so because they could not work or could not get enough work , while many skilled journeymen earned more than small-holding freeholders .
28 ‘ We have no idea what wonder drug Boots or Wellcome might suddenly produce during the year , and we can not stop and should not stop doctors prescribing all the drugs that their particular patients ’ need . ’
29 Is not it madness to be spending billions of pounds on a missile system which does not deter and may not work — and when we have no one at whom to point it ?
30 In many ways they have been forced to bend the rules to tackle a problem that the planning system did not create and can not solve without perverting legitimate public interests .
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