Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [conj] it [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 An Amoeba lives in the left-hand commode , but will only attack if it is disturbed .
2 According to quantum theory , a microscopic system will only vibrate if it is given an amount of energy at least equal to the frequency of vibration multiplied by Planck 's constant .
3 While Labour seeks to simply snatch the language of one nation from the Tories , the danger here can only grow and it is compounded because it is by no means clear how far a reconstituted and emphatically ‘ un-loony ’ socialism may go in negotiating its own language of toughness on immigration and nationality , even perhaps on humane socialist repatriation . [ … ]
4 The picture will only appear if it 's placed in the correct position .
5 It does not necessarily remember whether it was hurt or not : it only remembers being afraid .
6 Later , in England , it occurred to her that it might have been said ironically , but by then she had forgotten the context and intonation of it , could only remember that it was said under hot sun outside the Maison Carrée in Nîmes , where the air was fluent and the stones shone .
7 You need to impress on him that it will only work if it is done properly — that there must be absolutely no cheating .
8 Feeding most species of marine fish is not therefore as simple as it may seem and even if a fish feeds eagerly , it does n't necessarily mean that it 's eating the right food .
9 In the novels of Dickens , slum housing invariably goes upon crutches , but that does not necessarily mean that it is advanced in years .
10 No figure has yet been put on the cost of the fire — management will only say that it 's bound to run into millions .
11 In systems integration , for example , Gartner Group rates Bull fourth in Europe and sixth in the world , which is a fact that continually gets lost amid all of Bull 's other bad news — and the French authorities seem to be oblivious to how badly the regular injections of state cash to prop Bull up play in the outside world , causing the company to be regarded as a corporate basket case that would no longer exist if it were subjected to the normal commercial disciplines faced by all its foreign competitors .
12 ‘ I consider that in enacting the Damages ( Scotland ) Act , parliament did not consider that it was making any change to the right of parents to sue for damages for the death of a child who had sustained injuries prior to birth , had been born alive and had subsequently died in consequence of these pre-natal injuries . ’
13 Troll flesh can not regenerate when it is burned .
14 If any professional person has shown an interest in your work do n't let it go , but try to cultivate their interest , however tenuous it may seem — you will soon know if it 's going to be any use for the future .
15 Burger smiled : ‘ But there will be very few who do not know if it is left to you , dear .
16 Do not wait until it is clogged with fish waste and debris and therefore only working at a fraction of its efficiency .
17 Milk distribution would work in the same way in that as long as the milk is put into the system at one point , it does not matter where it is taken out . ’
18 Sapphire , the Black woman who is light-skinned enough to pass for White is pregnant by her White fiance ’ , but again the child does not appear as it is annihilated along with its mother .
19 So simply making up the calcium that astronauts excrete may not ensure that it is laid down properly in new bone .
20 I used to view the European Community as being an economic and political bloc confronting the East and COMECON , and that is why I did not believe that it was uniting Europe .
21 He could not believe that it was wavering now .
22 He still could n't entirely believe it , In the sense that he could not believe that it was happening to him , that he was so vulnerable to such a common , almost hackneyed feeling .
23 She did not believe that it was going to change the world or that every minute detail was worth the drama and emotionalism that the others seemed to want to pour into it .
24 It does not follow that it is binding .
25 Once a suitable disinfectant is in use resistance will not occur if it is used correctly .
26 It should be noted however , that LIFESPAN RDBI will NOT terminate if it is applying indexes when the specified transfer time elapses .
27 When we turn to that most distinctive feature of cave organisms , regressive evolution , we can not decide whether it is caused by selection or genetic drift ; nor can we settle whether allozymic variation is due to selection or drift .
28 A receptionist will not normally overbook unless it is done in compliance with the policy of the management of the hotel , or upon the instructions of the reception manager .
29 But this does not mean that it is fitted only to be used on matters at the extreme end of the spectrum of abstraction — that it can , for instance , discuss people only in so far as they are rational beings , or sets of behaviour-patterns , or immortal souls .
30 And just because the fish lives in the water with it , does not mean that it is going to eat it — it would be like you eating mouldy food .
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