Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [conj] [pron] want [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You 'd better rest if you want to be well enough to travel tomorrow , ’ she suggested coldly .
2 Endill did not know if he wanted to be hard but was too tired to argue .
3 As Robert Lovett , former Under Secretary of State , told the drafting committee , there was practically nothing that the US could not do if it wanted to .
4 Babies can not therefore really be considered to be trained as they do not realize when they want to go , do not indicate that they want to , and do not go to the potty by themselves .
5 The helmets and the shields were the same : they had designs you could hardly forget if you wanted to .
6 Er , I also wanted to raise the issue of er the public service section in respect to er this because there 's something prob perhaps not actually tackled in the resolution but equally er important I think is that it 's actually getting the resources into er er down to the br branch level and er if we took this resolution literally , er what it would actually mean would be that er in har with harmonization of agreements we would be handing over er our majority on the manual workers , public service workers to , so obviously we got ta take this resolution very seriously , but consider its implications and the relevance of the word appropriate because I do n't think that we want to be er handed over to come July the first er single table bargaining where we are an absolute minority and where th th that union merge that 's taking place is obviously hostile to our union .
7 I do n't know whether I want to . ’
8 He did n't know if he wanted to .
9 ‘ I do n't know if I want to be doing this in ten years ’ time but I certainly believe it is important to plan ahead .
10 ‘ I do n't know if I want to or not , I just want to know what I 'm supposed to be doing there . ’
11 A CLASSIC example of schizophrenic movie-making at its worst , this paralysingly confused account of the birth of modern gangsterism ca n't decide whether it wants to be a hard-hitting action pic , a gooey teen idol vehicle or a convoluted docudrama .
12 Verbs , nouns and adjectives that may take an infinitive with to may be followed by to without an infinitive to refer to a preceding verb or verbal group : Do n't go unless you want to ( Zandvoort 1957 ) .
13 I grew up pretty much as everybody else grows up and one day seven years ago I found myself saying to myself — I ca n't live where I want to — I ca n't go where I want to — I ca n't do what I want to — I ca n't even day what I want to .
14 I did n't go because I wanted to be rich .
15 Did n't come cos he wanted to did he ?
16 I grew up pretty much as everybody else grows up and one day seven years ago I found myself saying to myself — I ca n't live where I want to — I ca n't go where I want to — I ca n't do what I want to — I ca n't even day what I want to .
17 I do n't care if you want to be pretty .
18 But having got my way over that , it meant I could n't protest as I wanted to about Frome being put in charge .
19 Designing clothes for Carnega was all very well and I made a good living at it I wo n't deny but I wanted to be free to do my own thing — and to have my own name on the labels .
20 She did n't ask if she wanted to be my partner .
21 I decided I was a very stupid fool not to at least paint as I wanted to and say what I wanted to when I painted as that seemed to be the only thing I could do that did n't concern anybody but myself — that was nobody 's business but my own .
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