Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] up [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If the country 's nuclear experts really are as bright as they would like us to think , they should be bright enough to come up with a convincing case for spending so much money , or to find cheaper ways of demonstrating the technology .
2 Like most Chinese children unfortunate enough to grow up in the Sixties , Zeng 's education was severely disrupted by the Cultural Revolution , and he had to sit through the shouting matches and brain-washing sessions just as everyone else did .
3 Better to turn up with a single flower .
4 HARRISONS & Crosfield must really dislike being classified as an overseas trader if it is willing to go through the complex process of changing its listing only to end up as a miscellaneous industrial .
5 But that one painted notice is not enough to make up for the shabby doors , scruffy brickwork , and grimy frosted glass .
6 Not to marry , but just to meet up on a regular basis and do nice things together such as walks , long discussions about books and music , that sort of thing .
7 A final technical point on audio versus video recording : it takes no longer to set up for a simple video recording than it does to position a microphone for an audio recording .
8 William got up from his chair at the workbench and went over to open up with a puzzled frown .
9 At 78 he still refused to stop work : ‘ My advice to parents is not to give up to the rising generation the place you have occupied in the world so long , because there are some who are very near to you who would turn round and put you out homeless and penniless . ’
10 Several years of research into our love of meat has left me in little doubt that most of us nowadays would prefer not to face up to the carnal origins of our flesh foods .
11 I was now at a bit of a loss as to what to do next , so I wandered upstairs to the room that housed the books covering my subject , just to check up on a few things .
12 It is the South-east that needs new settlements , if we are not to end up with a town-and-country muesli of interest to no one .
13 If Britain is not to end up in a technological cul-de-sac , with a technical solution to managing nuclear waste confronted by massive political opposition , it must tackle a number of problems .
14 One is a track side scene : five white runners and two black limbering up , shrugging shoulders , stretching legs and trying desperately to loosen up in an intensifying ambience ; sitting on the grass some way away from the main group is a black guy awaiting his call to marks ; while the others shuffle about nervously , he remains casually sitting , seemingly unoccupied with the imminent race as he nonchalantly sharpens the spikes of his running shoes with a nail file .
15 Students should expect the Government to meet living costs , but not to cough up for the extra beer and nightclubbing which Richard regards as an important part of student life .
16 After a few moments he began walking , pausing once to look up at the grand facade of the Shelbourne .
17 Full of confidence , Pliny tried to calm down the overwrought Pomponianus , and to demonstrate his own unconcern , went off to freshen up in the local baths , and subsequently sat down to eat a hearty meal .
18 Ipswich are out to sharpen up in a big way tomorrow and get back to winning ways after a draw and two defeats in the league following the FA Cup fifth round home 4–0 win over Grimsby .
19 If it was n't to blow up into a first-class row , she 'd have to bargain .
20 One should therefore learn how to give orders , and how to put up with the unsuccessful results of one 's efforts ( Notizario , 11,1985 , p. 21 ) .
21 The scouts were also working hard to keep up with the many breakfasts they cooked that morning .
22 Client areas may be keen to be at the leading edge in the use emerging technologies , often for all the best reasons , but sometimes to keep up with the latest toy .
23 That is to say we are , we all need renewal and new ideas , but we stick to old quarrels and re-run old battles because we do n't know how to face up to the real problems at the present , nor to find ways of working together for a worthwhile future .
24 The latter comes in only when this mechanism is no longer operative , when it fails to apply , and the role of the preposition is then to make up for the inoperative movement of incidence …
25 Whatever John 's mother may have thought about his likely lack of application when he wanted to study music , once he decided to learn ballet he took it seriously and must have worked hard to make up for a late start .
26 The left has yet to wake up to the new politics as played by the Prime Minister .
27 Hope looked down the fell where Colonel and Mrs Moore were strolling with unskilful aimlessness , taking care never to look up towards the two figures on the rump of mountain .
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