Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] [pron] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But when Alice was taken in to see her on the second day , she was sitting up in a swansdown wrap , surrounded by flowers .
2 At one of our constituency surgeries , a retired widow came in to see us concerning the seventeen pounds extra which she would have to pay extra er to cover the other non-payments .
3 The fact that it was profoundly a work of synthesis was obviously much less important at first , and may even seem not very important now , as one settles down to enjoy it for the first or umpteenth time .
4 One of the Taï chimpanzee mothers , Ricci , was kind enough to provide us with the first record of observable active teaching ( acceptable to a psychologist ) in a non-human animal in the wild .
5 The fact that you were weak enough to choose them in the first place is another thing altogether , ’ she finished triumphantly .
6 It was a new Fender Strat , bought from a shop on Shaftsbury Avenue in February ‘ 62 , and yes , I wish I still had it , but only to sell it for the large sums they fetch now !
7 In fact there was precious little to rely on in the unconscious unless the product was good enough to sell itself to the conscious senses , in which case the unconscious appeal was superfluous .
8 Erm Lisa is that I 'm not quite sure , from the York University student rooms , is in to help us with the big box pile up .
9 The problem that exists is that factions of governors who are members of the European Central Bank and who disagree with its policies may join together to frustrate them at the national level .
10 There is still a feeling , and rightly so , that every firm owes some responsibility to its members and their dependants in this respect and that it is not enough to leave it to the individual partner to make his own arrangements .
11 He said : ‘ This would force Langbaurgh Council and Northumbrian Water to get together to do something about the terrible sewage problems there . ’
12 If you will be good enough to furnish me with the necessary linen , I will take it upon myself to make Lady Merchiston a degree more comfortable . ’
13 Its curly conker-red coat is thick enough to protect it against the cold and wet but becomes smooth and sleek in warmer weather .
14 This enables a community of humans to cooperate in working together to protect themselves against the worst effects of nature , and to obtain greater security than would otherwise be possible .
15 IN A POEM called History Peter Porter piles a number of state crimes — reminiscent of those attributed to the Stasi — on top of one another in a seemingly solid pillar of evidence , only to explode it in the last line with the simple but logical detonation : ‘ Their story will not be told . ’
16 It was all to save me from the Fiery Pit .
17 An influence strong enough to rob her of the natural exuberant self-confidence that had always been a central , unthinking part of her personality .
18 And looked after them and er after them and took pride i i in to have them in the best condition .
19 There are stars galore in the operatic firmament , with , alongside to say nothing of the many famous names featured in the historical anthologies .
20 Maltote staggered to his feet and went down to relieve himself in the necessary house .
21 I ran across one the other day that lifted me up on wings of heady prose , only to plunge me into the deep end of bathos .
22 It is much better only to tell them of the happier events in your life : the progress the children are making and the amusing things they say , descriptions of family outings and news of old friends and neighbours .
23 Why not , the mandarins decided , invite a few of our foreign friends over to reintroduce them to The True path .
24 In the 1930s , Mr Justice Stone declared that the United States Supreme Court ought not to see itself as the sole guardian of the constitution .
25 French superstar Zafonic was pulled out of the St James 's Palace Stakes when owner Prince Khalid Abdulla decided not to risk him on the rain-softened surface .
26 In a letter to Gilbert dated 16 November , 1840 he wrote : ‘ As I find the fauna of New Holland quite distinct and that of New Zealand to belong to an entirely different group of Islands I have determined not to include it in the present work ; you will therefore not go there … ’
27 However , failing that , an international money order can be drawn in almost any currency — your bank will advise on how best to obtain one in the right denomination .
28 And one particularly thorough research study on boys growing up in London concluded that if a boy offends , the best way to prevent him from offending repeatedly is not to catch him in the first place ( West , 1992 : 104–11 ) !
29 the best way to solve pollution problems is not to create them in the first place .
30 ‘ The best way to solve pollution problems is not to create them in the first place .
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