Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] [noun] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In the meantime I intend to stay healthy enough to enjoy success when it comes and you 'd be wise to do the
2 Andrus just pops in to see Sesostris and they have a bit of a chat , not a long one , they do n't even have a cup of coffee , mean bastards , both of them , and then Andrus goes on to the Cashier presumably with Sesostris 's authorization and the Cashier takes the money out of the safe and gives it to him .
3 We went in to see Jennie before we left .
4 The Euro-sceptics argue that Mr Major has established himself as a good European merely to carry credibility when he vetoes monetary union .
5 In the life she led it would have been all too easy to succumb to the myriad temptations on offer , but she had seen them for the shallow , worthless things they were , and valued her self-respect too highly to accept dross when she knew she must seek for gold .
6 Lane 's total might already be good enough to win selection but he said : ‘ I still think I need another 25,000 points to be certain of getting into the team so I 'm not counting chickens . ’
7 and to pop down to do theatre because I see Paula eat before at Perth
8 Eliot was fascinated by the idea which Cornford had put forward ‘ in ‘ The Origin of Attic Comedy ’ , [ that ] this [ medicine-man ] Doctor may be identical with the Doctor who is called in to assist Punch after he has been thrown by his horse' .
9 And perhaps to placate Rhinehart before he sues , there is a documentary on the enigmatic American author in the pipeline , as well as Diary Of A Teenage Health Freak and a children 's comedy , Jackson Pace .
10 When foreign journalists were occasionally bold enough to ask Ceauşescu whether he intended Nicu to be his successor he gave non-committal answers .
11 Still young enough to feel concern and he put a hand on my arm .
12 Anne ran down to tell Sarah before she left for work , and was surprised by how calmly her friend took the news .
13 One reason for this is undoubtedly the fact that many of those who are attracted to homoeopathy are well content just to treat patients as they present , and do not have the expertise or the scientific bent of mind required to design and carry out clinical trials .
14 What one hopes for is for the student to remain open to the possibility of aesthetic experience , to accept and enjoy it when it occurs , but not to fake responses if it does not .
15 And then then risk the life of one of the best rabbits we 've got , just to play nursey while you go wandering about like a moon-struck field-mouse .
16 Without you there 'd be no one not to kiss goodnight when we quarrel .
17 where we were trying desperately to have schools because we had no schools when we first came here as I say .
18 Say something like , ‘ I promise not to get cross if you hit on the truth ! ’ and encourage honesty , as well as sensitivity .
19 These , under the Steward and Moray , were not to attempt ingress until they received a signal from the front party .
20 He said that we should travel in pairs — never more than two at a time — so as not to arouse suspicion if we met any Germans or Fascists .
21 The morning after the Ober Gabelhorn the Germans came over to say goodbye as we packed our gear on the hut terrace .
22 They decided not to warn Terry when they wrote to him , and later Tony said quietly to Sarah , ‘ I was n't criticising Terry when I said that , Sar .
23 In a speech to the European Parliament in Strasbourg on Feb. 12 , Menem claimed that Argentina had left behind its Third-World status and non-aligned past [ for Argentina 's September 1991 exit from the Non-Aligned Movement see pp. 38458-59 ] , and he appealed to the European Communities ( EC ) not to become isolationist as they pursued economic and political union .
24 During 1860–2 he had found his title and ideas for some of the leading incidents , including the story of a young man feigning death and living with an assumed identity , but was unable to set himself to the writing until the autumn of 1863 , when he determined not to begin publication until he had 5 numbers in hand , since he was now writing so slowly , with care and with difficulty .
25 Sadly , mine is a sort of hole in the wall — not possible to move — so I spend more time running back and forth to fetch tools than I do using them .
26 The first personnel carriers rumbled out of the main gate , blocking the workday traffic , and he watched them now with envy because they were off to play soldiers and he had n't been invited .
27 Mum lifted me up to see Gran and I recall the peaceful look which she had .
28 up to see Eilleen and I said I 'm sure it would be alright .
29 We need not only to be able to swim in a sea of uncertainty but also to resist panic when we get out of our depth .
30 And I stopped up to watch snooker and it went on until after twelve
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