Example sentences of "[adv] [pos pn] [noun] [conj] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Please pass on my condolences and tell her to call me if she needs any help . ’
2 It was only my threat that stopped him because if his hand had touched me I would have walked out of this house that very minute and I would n't have had to go far .
3 just now , for instance , I could not sit & do nothing , since that only irritates my brain ; & it was then only my pipe that enabled me comfortably to read Rousseau 's ‘ Julie ; or the New Heloise ’ .
4 I put down my lunch and followed him in frantic pursuit .
5 ‘ Now piss down my back and tell me it 's raining .
6 An initially kind-voiced woman took down my details and advised me to ring Chicago .
7 Reluctantly I put down my book and followed them down the garden .
8 Her cheek pressed flat between his shoulders , Mariana clung to Trent as if it was only her strength that saved them from disintegration .
9 Planes from the college regularly shut down their engines and restart them in mid-air as an exercise .
10 The only thing I can say is for them to lay down their arms and stop it right now .
11 Stroll along its shore and find it is a seashore , primly kissed by measured trills of dippy white-capped wavelets .
12 A BLIND man fought off a bull terrier that attacked his guide dog — by jamming his fist down its throat and smacking it between the eyes .
13 For a moment he thought she was going to hit him , and then her face turned crimson , her mouth started to bang to and fro like a door in a gale force wind and a sound came down her nose that suggested she had just swallowed a quart of White ’ s Cream Soda .
14 Three-year-old Jacqueline ran at him and grasped his knees ; he put down his briefcase and lifted her in his arms , flattered by her attention .
15 Monty looked down his glasses and offered me a few censorious words .
16 The driver wound down his window and cursed him , adding that for two pins he 'd tell the police .
17 He set down his glass and hugged her .
18 Putting down his glass and removing hers , he gripped her shoulders and propelled her to stand in front of the mirror .
19 He put down his glass and took hers from fingers which were inexplicably trembling , then twisted her round to inspect her back , ‘ You 've had your back in the sun .
20 falling down his trousers and make me laugh and shout , I 'll always feel so happy when the comes about ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , the funny circus clown
21 Nathan thought bitterly about how it was only his abnormality that made him suitable for Leila 's purposes .
22 ‘ Of course , ’ Chen said , taking the big handgun from inside his jacket and handing it across .
23 He gave an indifferent shrug , extracted the piece of card from inside his coat and threw it with a show of distaste into an overflowing rubbish bin .
24 While I ca n't condone this sort of cheating Mr Unce , I have found two very good methods are tucking them down your sock or writing them on your shirt cuff .
25 But if you have written down your reasons and sent them to the Appeal Committee and the Council beforehand , you can say , if you want , that you have nothing to add to your letter .
26 If , however , you should fall asleep the finger immediately goes into your mouth and down your throat and wakes you before the cameramen have had a chance to snap their shutters .
27 If you do have strong opinions about any aspect of the newsletter , please fill in your questionnaire and send it to us ASAP .
28 As I fought for bar space to order the drinks , I looked over my shoulder and caught her making hand signals to a bunch of her friends camped on the stairs leading up to the Ladies ' toilets .
29 ‘ I could turn you over my knee and spank you , you make me so angry , ’ he said through his teeth .
30 ‘ What I 'd like to be doing is putting you over my knee and giving you the spanking you heartily deserve , ’ he said grimly .
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