Example sentences of "[adv] [vb mod] [adv] [verb] [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although the defendant programmer would not be allowed simply to copy the programs in question , he would not be required to " wipe clean the slate of his memory " because to do so would unduly restrict his use of his own training , skill and experience .
2 To do so would seriously undermine our understanding of how people are not only constrained by , but also through their actions change , the deeper structures in which they are caught up .
3 The black hole will therefore preferentially emit particles with charge of the same sign as itself and so will rapidly lose its charge .
4 The top executive who is constantly looking ahead rather than backwards will rarely steer his company into a tight corner , in Laing 's view .
5 He also has to learn not to watch his feet , because bending his head downwards will probably increase his spasticity , and make him more likely to fall .
6 He felt it was possible and he opted to at least try to stay out of the glitterama ; and , as the movie industry would soon learn , this cool-headed assessment of the way he hoped his career would pan out would soon include his rejection of many scripts including The Godfather , The Sting and The Great Gatsby .
7 Its share of the CICS market is also expected to rise 10% which reportedly could well boost its turnover by $20m .
8 A good performance from Baggio today would probably guarantee his place in Vicini 's World Cup side .
9 And surely will soon lose his voice … ’
10 But stinting excessively would probably damage his reputation more than overspending .
11 But if cancer was n't to consume me , mentally as well as physically , then something else must also share my mind .
12 Slowly it began to dawn on the pair that nobody else could possibly represent their work .
13 Being named as Scotland 's captain once again will only increase my enthusiasm . ’
14 Being named as Scotland 's captain once again will only increase my enthusiasm ’ Alex McLeish
15 Fears soon began to be expressed that wines from the Midi too would again find their way back into Champagne cellars .
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