Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] [noun] [noun pl] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This process confirms the belief that many of the difficulties can not be resolved by teachers in their classrooms and so require specialist services in a specialist context .
2 NHS professionals normally perceive day hospitals as a possible alternative to hospital admission for people who are acutely ill and can not be treated as outpatients or at home , as a place for recently discharged short-term in-patients to attend for a period while settling back into normal life , and as a place to treat , monitor and give social support to long-term patients who would otherwise live isolated lives .
3 Some mortgage protection policies will give you a breathing space if you are made redundant , but most just cover mortgage repayments in the event of accident or death .
4 I just love whammy bars at the moment ! ’
5 When the first CD-I players are launched , many potential purchasers will find they already own CD-I discs in the form of audio CDs with words and pictures that a CD-I player can decode .
6 If true , it should follow that antral cancer would be more common and would occur at an early age in those parts of the world where the majority of the population already have serum antibodies to the organism before adult life .
7 Other nannies , such as Sally Percival , now married and living in Northampton , were kind and sympathetic and still receive Christmas cards from the children today .
8 I then got a phone call in the middle of the night — I always get phone calls in the middle of the night from David .
9 In addition members of the class usually find marriage partners from the same class .
10 And yet we always do sell them , er we always have Anglepoise lamps in the shop
11 The USGS geologists still see plate tectonics as the driving mechanisms , but see it acting rather like a conveyor belt .
12 We know that the Government still justify regulation dispensations for the oil industry .
13 The French , despite an exceptionally tough policy , still have interest rates above the German level because they are unable to persuade the markets they mean what they say when they rule out a devaluation .
14 Differential inflation rates and current account disequilibria probably influence exchange rates over the medium-term , i.e. two-five years .
15 Augmented alphabets also involve transition difficulties from the new to the old .
16 American officials in Bolivia , who also run development projects through the Agency for International Development , provide a more vigorous defence of alternative development .
17 We also organise coach parties to the Ballet at Leeds and Hull ; the series of Orchestral Concerts at Scarborough ; and to the Theatres at York and Scarborough .
18 I also take billy kids for a pal near me and rear them free range with lots of love and cuddles .
19 Both pythons and pit vipers also have heat sensors in the mouth .
20 Notice boards outside tourist offices often display weather forecasts for the next few days .
21 Spies working for the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds found that Tanzanian traders routinely forge export papers to the UK , despite tough laws in their own country .
22 People quite often want birthday arrangements with a zodiacal theme .
23 People often confuse Firebird pickups with the pickups on Les Paul Deluxes or the small Epiphone humbuckers , but these ones sound a lot more focused since the Les Paul Deluxe pickups had a single Alnico magnet underneath both coils . ’
24 You quite often get correlation coefficients in the order of about point three , R equals point three , R equals minus point three .
25 What used to be considered basic back-to-school items — schoolbags , pencil cases , stationery , lunch boxes and the like — have now become fashion accessories in the classroom .
26 There now exist community groups of a greater or lesser degree of militancy which have eschewed political parties as the main vehicle of their demands ( although they often have to use them in the later stages of campaigns ) .
27 If the polls accurately reflect voting intentions across the country , then a hung Parliament is the most likely outcome .
28 Now take note members of the press , when the Tory 's paymasters , the big industrialists and the C B I start squealing , there 's panic on the Tory benches .
29 Also , different departments of the chief accountancy firms often have client relationships with the other party to the dispute , as many clients prefer not to give all their work to one firm .
30 ‘ I can only assume they were intoxicated by the flood of enthusiasm from central government , and thought they could do anything , even build power stations in the sand , ’ he says .
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