Example sentences of "[adv] [det] [that] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 There are many groups , much literature , and a great deal of help available for the widowed or divorced — so much that to go into the subject in detail would require another book .
2 A beating system is employed so that some rabbits , especially those that escape behind the beaters , are shot while others are flushed forward to be killed by carefully-positioned waiting guns .
3 The rate recorded for the South East was under half that recorded for the North of England .
4 There are n't many that start with a K.
5 to go for go for the C each time cos there are n't many that start with a K.
6 I have enjoyed all the contributions , particularly those that touched on the way that crime affects constituents who live in districts such as Cardiff and Sandwell .
7 Many of the victims , of course , were badly burned after death by the fires that swept the town , but even those that died in the open showed severe burns on their bodies , even though in many cases their clothes were not even singed .
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