Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] have [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But this latest attack is the worst , and could so easily have resulted in a loss of life .
2 Ideally , candidates will not only have worked as an applied economist , but will also have gained experience in related areas like planning or finance .
3 The mother 's offer to cook the lunch may be a reassuring sign of the familiar to her son who may not long have departed from the parental home .
4 Equally , Thames & Hudson 's ‘ biography ’ of Keith Haring may have seemed a brave piece of publishing to the general bookseller but , supported by T-shirts , badges , posters and cards from te Neues , it pulled in customers who would not normally have stepped inside a Blackwell shop , thanks largely to the non-book items and the extraordinary point of sale from T&H .
5 It can not be argued so categorically that this was the sole source of the style in the twelfth century or that it would not soon have developed in a similar manner elsewhere if the Île de France had not then produced it .
6 Even in private conversation he would explain how his client could not possibly have broken into the house in the way of which he was accused , because he was far too drunk at the time , and so on .
7 It seems to me that it is impossible to say that in carrying out that exercise he misdirected himself or came to a conclusion to which he could not reasonably have come in the exercise of his discretion .
8 Had Andrewes remained in Cambridge , his reputation would probably have been unblemished but he would have lacked the stimulus to write the magnificent sermons which he preached at Court ; and he would not willingly have engaged in the controversial writing in which for the first time he set out the Anglican Church 's position in terms which European scholars could respect ; above all his Preces , even had they been written , would not have contained the breadth of experience , and the depth of feeling , based on that experience , which made them treasures of the Church .
9 I should just about have finished at the hairdresser 's by then . ’
10 Importantly , too , the use of a high style allowed Milton a voice he might not otherwise have achieved during the Restoration .
11 This was important , as in some stretches of the river Mr Cook 's customers might not otherwise have benefited from the remarkable views he had promised them .
12 Since there was no sparing of the short-pitched stuff , and no intervention from the umpires , to continue would probably only have resulted in an injury anyway .
13 In that case the beneficiaries would have been Muslims but they could just as easily have belonged to a different group .
14 And they could just as easily have hopped on a train to any other part of the country . "
15 The horrifying thing about , for instance , Robert Nichols 's review in the Observer for 11 January 1920 — ‘ Mr Pound , indeed , serves his lobster â l'Américaine ’ — is that it could perfectly well have appeared in the Observer last Sunday .
16 He could n't possibly have come by the letter honestly or even accidentally . ’
17 It starts simply enough with a water supply and a distillery but even that is not necessarily the ‘ start ’ , in that one could equally well have begun with the barley which forms one of the main inputs to the process of distillation .
18 His mother was a Parr , which may have given him an independent entree into Gloucester 's service , but he could equally well have come to the duke 's attention through the Percy connection .
19 His mother was a Parr , which may have given him an independent entree into Gloucester 's service , but he could equally well have come to the duke 's attention through the Percy connection .
20 The solo vocal coloratura of ‘ Audi caelum ’ , echoed by an unspecified instrument , and the instrumental ritornelli of ‘ Ave maris stella ’ could equally well have originated in the opera .
21 Well the solicitors could n't very have written to the , to the bank could they ?
22 ( a ) Bill of costs Your firm 's bill of costs should be prepared in accordance with the quotation that you will almost undoubtedly have given at the commencement of the transaction .
23 He had been the weaker of a hatching of two males and would almost certainly have died within a few days if local ornithologists had not taken him from the nest and reared him themselves in the hope that a home might finally be found for him as worthwhile as the Zoo …
24 If she 'd been at home and beset by devils like this , she would most likely have gone for a walk .
25 He 'd watch them quietly ; and he often told me how he had a good idea where they 'd been taking their honey : if they came to their hives low , they 'd most likely have come off a field of clover .
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