Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] be [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The committee system , the greater resources of staff and money available to members , and the relatively weak calls of party loyalty have combined to suggest that this role can most successfully be performed by the United States Congress .
2 What Ho himself understood by Marxism at this stage can perhaps best be seen in the first Vietnamese Marxist revolutionary text : The Road to Revolution , published in 1926 .
3 French cooperation in the EEC in the years immediately after 1958 could perhaps best be described as the lull before the storm .
4 The light was fading to a point where the battlements of the Hovis tower could only just be distinguished from the pinkish-gray of the sky .
5 You will find that the modulation is approximately correct when the flashing can only just be seen over the steady glow .
6 Its future depends on a different kind of alliance with the class that created it who wo n't for much longer be reduced to the status of clients dependent on the whim of their political godfathers .
7 This is because strategy can so easily be influenced by the needs , idiom and comfort of planning .
8 Their trust can so easily be won by the surgeons and nurses , and it is the absence of anxiety and worry which enable bones to knit together faster .
9 The contradiction is probably most apparent in Mexico , where cheap radios , televisions and films can so easily be imported from the USA , but the media is also very much a feature of contemporary life in other Latin American countries .
10 Such arrangements are also often associated with the custom of keeping men 's and women 's worlds sharply segregated , although as Saifullah Khan ( 1976 ) points out in her discussion of purdah in Bradford , the luxury of remaining truly separate could only ever be afforded by the comparatively wealthy .
11 In the case of L Rowland and Co ( Retail ) Ltd , the High Court found that the period of time for which the clock stops during an enquiry by Customs can only reasonably be limited to the period from when the local office initiates the enquiry with the trader to the day when a satisfactory answer is given by the trader .
12 Moreover , catching up can not explain the slowdown in US productivity which occurred outside the manufacturing sector and which can only partly be explained by the less intense expansion once the excess capacity of the early 1960s had been used up .
13 But on top of that one must then look into the future , the future supply of such properties , and the future o er of a whole range of issues which may occur locally and which can only really be decided by the district councils in their local plan work .
14 Many sandstones with overgrowth cements exhibit little solution compaction at grain-to-grain contacts ( Fig. 5.26c , d ) ; the source of silica in such sediments can only partially be derived from the solution compaction and may largely result from the dissolution of opaline silica .
15 Slowish tempos are to some degree unavoidable , because of the textural detail in Mozart 's score ; and the conductor can not altogether be blamed for the ways in which the music is softened .
16 But by emphasising the newest recordings with the latest sound techniques by younger artists ( who can thus effectively be marketed in the future ) , other great Mozartians like Clara Haskil and Igor Markevitch must languish in the back of the catalogue .
17 Although the numbers will not apparently be limited at the briefings , a notional limit may be set on the number of climbers admitted to the range on any one occasion .
18 The conscript troops of the MVD could not entirely be blamed for the ill fit of their uniforms , for their slouched shoulders , for their callow and chilled faces .
19 Thus the premium need not necessarily be connected with the product that carried the premium ; the idea is to stimulate purchases of the product — selling the premium is of secondary importance .
20 Nonetheless , third parties need to be alert to the dynamism of an organisation and realise it might have generated its own practices and activities , which need not necessarily be encompassed by the constitutive treaty .
21 It appears that the application need not necessarily be made to the judge or district judge by whom the judgment or order was made ( cf Ord 37 , r 1(2) ) .
22 Er but the most characteristic kind of war er our i is rather limited war a and violence need not necessarily be expressed in the form of erm a formal attack , it can be used of course to threaten or to deter .
23 This can be done simply by defining the term imposing the duty as a " condition " ( giving a right to terminate the contract in the event of breach ) or " warranty " ( so that breach gives no right to terminate ) ; however , care must be taken because a court may not necessarily be bound by the label attached to a clause by the parties : for example , a term described as a " condition " will not necessarily be interpreted as a " condition " in law , so that breach of it will not necessarily allow the innocent party to terminate the contract ( L Schuler AG v Wickman Machine Tool Sales Ltd [ 1974 ] AC 235 ) .
24 But er there is a a and I wouldn inevitably er one does stray into I know want it in particular points at the moment , but there is a policy consideration to be borne in mind as well , which erm does suggest that past trends should not necessarily be projected into the future .
25 Income under the category of Public Policy has increased to £173,141 but a sizeable element of this relates to a number of projects associated with the Council 's Diamond Jubilee Year and will not necessarily be repeated in the year ahead .
26 To secure our access to information which will not necessarily be created with the historical community in mind , we must be willing to develop the common ground we share with other scholars and computer-using communities .
27 It suggests that of the subjects that usually comprise the humanities , philosophy need not necessarily be identified with the humanities at all , literature and the other arts are defined by their concern with art-objects and history arguably belongs to a broader conception of ‘ human sciences ’ .
28 This option can be used to draw any design , but should not necessarily be used for the knitting .
29 The experience in the United States can not necessarily be extrapolated to the United Kingdom .
30 By the end of 1926 , the General Council was advancing the argument , with some justification , that the General Strike had only been an attempt to warn employers that the problems of industry could not constantly be tackled at the expense of the standard of living of the workers .
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