Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] and i [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Right , I think we 've been going on long enough and I think you 've been sitting there long enough , ha
2 Said club chairman Byron Hughes : ‘ We have not been told anything officially so far and I hope we would be the first to hear . ’
3 He told a news conference : ‘ I am very happy with their progress so far and I think they will continue to do well over the next few days .
4 ‘ My son was 18 when I moved down here and I left him with grandparents .
5 I putted nicely today and I think I can do a lot better over the next three days . ’
6 Just before we go we are going to hear a recording of a song that 's been referred to which I think is called the greatest love of all which I 'm told we 'll all know by heart er this time next year hmm erm anyway on that note if I may thank you very , very much indeed and I leave you with best wishes for a highly , highly successful birthday year .
7 She insists on tacking up a bit of tinsel and so on and I see she 's done the same for you .
8 down there and me do it
9 I refuse to take it out because it just closes it down again and I thought I 'm not touching it
10 She was walking her dog past the house just now and I thought I might bring her in .
11 She said I ca n't cope no more , she said I just can not cope any longer and I said you must n't feel like that I said you 'll break all our hearts , I said it 's , life will never be the same again , I said come on home with me , forget about this day , I said tomorrow we 'll come and pick your birds up cos she 's got two beautiful parrots , she 's got a Mulican white with peach
12 ‘ At that time they were way ahead and I think we still have a thing or two to learn from them , ’ he said .
13 The black man momentarily took off his sunglasses as though to examine Ellen more closely and I saw he had very hard and very cynical eyes that were suddenly turned full on me .
14 just that I tried the phone room , I 'll take you down there and , I could see you from up here and I said he 's around .
15 They 'll soon work out where the lorry came from and they 'll be coming up here and I think they might be very angry . ’
16 When I first found this I thought , Oh , it 's a sort of truck , well , well , and then I walked up here and I found it was a truck with — ’
17 that 's what I 'd guessed , erm , so I said no , I said they 're fine , so she said oh I 'm ever so sorry I said do n't be I said these sort of things get around , I mean it 's , she kept go and then I went on to describe how I virtually done not too a dissimilar thing going up the road trying to talk to people about writing in to object , you know with this planning application and erm , I said I sort of knock on someone 's door up there and I thought it was the next door that the husband had died and it was that one
18 Well that 's not a tea towel there , nanny cleaned her windows yesterday and er when I , I 'd wiped er with a cleaning off I washed it up again and I put it out yesterday and I keep forgetting to bring it in .
19 The war was so far away and I suppose it was only in later years we learned how serious the threat was .
20 And then I saw her the next day and and then I realized the and then I came back home and I told her why does n't she see there 's something changed .
21 I think the fact that the books were filled out correctly and I think you should give the people that did the stock take , congratulations because the books were filled out reasonably well considering some of their ex inexperience in it .
22 Then I took up the painting and carried it back here and I signed it . ’
23 You had a turn out then and I think it lasted till the next spring , not like taking curtains up and down like people do now and hoover for the carpets , course the carpet would be taken out and beaten as you as you know , they were n't they were slung onto a line and beaten with anything that was handy .
24 He was working until the evening of the following day , but he asked to take me out again and I said it would be delightful .
25 From my position as the chair of a governing body of a primary school , I do n't actually think it 's given us very much more flexibility in how we run that school or how that school is operated , and I do n't really and I find it very difficult to see the benefits of us becoming suddenly having erm the responsibility of the funding dumped on us , and therefore the responsibility of any cuts from from erm Local Authorities .
26 There are four members of the National Race Committee here today and I tell you now
27 If he was to walk in here today and I knew he was my stepfather , I would not think twice about putting a knife through him .
28 It 's our credibility as well you know we 're being told quality of service etc etc and I think it ought to be a department meeting we all ought to have the opportunity to put forward what we 're doing and where we 're going .
29 I knew I could do well academically and I did it as a challenge to the conventional idea of the black kid who 's good at sports , yet with no brains .
30 When I was a lad I could have seventy for them , I sat on there and I licked it up , er , a good afternoon , I was just having a break by sands , I said when I was a lad I could have seventy ice creams
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