Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] be say to [be] " in BNC.

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1 That conception , for all the problems it raises , can not reasonably be said to be of the same character .
2 None of this shows , of course , that the folk theories , even if false , are not well and truly in consciousness ; indeed if they were not one could not truly be said to be working with a false theory of the mind ( unless theory became no more than a structure of , possibly unconscious , assumptions ) .
3 The journalists to whom I am referring can more solemnly be said to be practising a modern art of indirection , of the unintelligible and the interminable .
4 A ley can really only be said to be confirmed if it has been walked for most of its length .
5 Conscience gave her an uncomfortable nip , for it could n't exactly be said to be the height of honour for her to accept his invitation to dine in his home in the guise of a journalist when she was n't one , but Fabia went and studied her wardrobe .
6 The principle must be that although affray is a continuing offence , where the participants can no longer be said to be using or threatening violence towards another person , the offence is complete .
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