Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] when [pron] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Primates and prelates exercised political power most effectively when they were moving in support of magnate opposition ; against united barons they were impotent .
2 Power is used most effectively when it is used unobtrusively .
3 He felt the sufferings of the world most keenly when he was confronted with those who were weakest , most vulnerable , least able to defend themselves — refugees : men and women with no home to go to , and , most bereft of all refugees , children .
4 You feel it most keenly when you 're walking alone and keep looking behind you , sure that something 's there .
5 ‘ My knee feels all right when I am running , bit it has been swelling up slightly afterwards .
6 She 'll be all right when she 's finished , said one .
7 The use of a shotgun for rabbit clearance , as opposed to the fun of the occasional shot , continues to be less effective than the rifle and especially so when it is used by individuals rather than in conjunction with an organised rough rabbit shoot .
8 The second-half power cut hardly mattered because Oldham , embarrassingly inept as three goals punctuated the first half , were not much better when they were allowed to play .
9 We were not very happy to find that Hillsborough had been chosen and even less so when we were allocated the Leppings Lane End .
10 Footballers and all other competitive sports people stay out but cricketers scurry back inside just when it is getting interesting .
11 They make good the severe limitations on the hesitation system , which can take us only so far when we are faced with a problem of word retrieval .
12 So really when you 're doing times when you 're doing your tables you 're just doing adding are n't you .
13 AN old lag has vowed to go straight — because police treated him so kindly when he was banged up in their station .
14 Jack did not realise that vertical lines are always straight up and down even when you are standing on a hillside .
15 ‘ You know we always used candles down here when we were using the workbench , Joe .
16 Although there are conflicting dicta it seems that an owner who is not in occupation of the land at the time when the thing escapes is liable if he has authorised the accumulation , and that anyone who collects the dangerous thing and has control of it at the time of the escape would be liable , perhaps even when he is carrying it along the highway and it escapes therefrom .
17 A tail-wheel with a rubber tyre will resist skidding sideways over tarmac , but it will not grip quite so well when it is bouncing over rough grass .
18 The passengers felt bad enough earlier when they were hit by a regional rail fare rise of more than five per cent .
19 I 'll drop in again when I 'm passing , ’ shouted the lady , as she retreated into the uproar .
20 Like all basically lazy people he was content to let things be not only when they were going well , but also when they merely appeared to be going well .
21 A human being needs to be able to make himself understood not only when he is shopping or buying a railway ticket , but also when he is expressing his feelings , explaining a principle ( of morals or mechanics ) , or when he is arguing about politics .
22 For this reason you should take young dogs out on various journeys , and not just when they are going for a walk .
23 Oh not just when they were dancing , before they started dancing
24 One way to regain verbal and physical communication is to show warmth by touching more often , sitting close together when watching television , and taking the trouble to look nice , not just when you are going out , but to please each other when you are at home together .
25 Any character may take this item , but each time it is used ( not just when it is worn ! ) , the wearer must make a successful WP test or suffer from despair for D10 turns .
26 And the handout I 've got here which I could n't tie in just now when I was trying to do the deduction is because the rates are very slightly different .
27 Yes , but not particularly when he was resting from his labours .
28 Not even when we were lying so close that every inch of our skin touched from head to toe ? ’ he challenged her softly .
29 Not even when I was working .
30 Not even when it 's justified ? ’
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