Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [subord] i [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The thing is , it 's been so long since I 've been that I have n't got a clue how much tickets are likely to be .
2 One afternoon I completed another unsuccessful attempt at a cannon : I had no sooner moved away than the pipe crashed down exactly where I had been standing .
3 And you hit it and it bends up and it just dies and I 've been sitting like , I mean I , I definitely do n't think that it is anything with the way I hold it in like cos I 've been sitting going and I just , just hit it and it goes ee , it just dies so you ca n't bend , that 's on too .
4 And in this particular county one has only got to look to Ryedale who s I so far as I know is the only authority to have carried out a comprehensive survey of local housing needs .
5 Lithium batteries are even better , but so far as I know are only available in PP3 size .
6 Plenty was built by the Frasque , who did not call it that , or anything else , so far as I have been able to discover .
7 This morning they 're different again down there cos I 've been down there and I 've looked at the situation erm and I 've had a word with the lads there and I will try and alter it a little bit more .
8 To me , it was just another place where I would be pushed around , perhaps even more violently than I had been before .
9 I have been in favour of regional government for as long as I have been in politics .
10 For as long as I have been conscious she has been out there in front of me , dodging arrows , triggering ambushes ; doubling back to brief me on the safest and fastest route forward .
11 ‘ That was seventeen years ago and she has n't as far as I know been seen or heard of since ; surely that adds up to a disappearance ?
12 But none as far as I know is a homicidal maniac .
13 And that as far as I know is that .
14 And , as far as I had been able to judge , the feeling was pretty mutual .
15 As far as I have been able to discover , the first papers in French West Africa to be owned and controlled by Africans were Le Cri Nègre and Le Phare du Dahomey .
16 The view of these two organizations , as far as I have been able to discover , runs something like this .
17 He suggests that ‘ as far as I have been able to grasp the concept , to be ‘ staff ’ means to have authority without having responsibility .
18 As far as I have been able to find out , it has no specific connection with Bristol but is named after Nonsuch Palace , which was built in Surrey near Hampton Court .
19 I do n't know how , I , I as I say I ca n't figure it out how they work it out though because I mean are they
20 I saw that I was intended to be subject to people like these two , was doomed to marry Syl as surely as I had been born of my mother .
21 I had shown determination to come back then when I had been written off .
22 But since then I 've been on a unit of tropical forestry in Oxford Forestry Institute , and I 've been travelling regularly , almost yearly since I 've been there .
23 I remembered how once when I had been in a crowd teasing an awkward boy at school I had noticed his terror and been glad I was not him .
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