Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [det] [conj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps even more than in the case of energising Anglican evangelical clergymen like William Marsh , in the ranks of evangelical nonconformity the powerful leadership of some ministers shaped the attitudes of chapel communities and led them into collaboration across denominational and church/chapel lines .
2 Advertising has reached , we believe , a quite remarkable development in the 1980s , and perhaps nowhere more than in the United Kingdom .
3 Which was it , my dear ? — uncertain not so much as to the identity of the town as to the quickest way to introduce his small and attendant wife .
4 However much the Donation had been perfected and refined by the twelfth century to fit into other papal arguments , there still remained the basic problem not so much as to the origin of power as to its descent .
5 This game was a little disheartening , not so much because of the disciplinary problem , but because it showed all too clearly that few if any of them were actually listening to what I was saying .
6 He spoke of the way Britain failed to take care of the environment and lamented the creeping of towns and the vanishing of the fields and hedgerows , not so much because of the animals as because of the air and the nature of man and the liberty of the soul .
7 Hue and Cry are the most interesting of the new pop sophisticates , not so much because of the music , but because singer and lyricist Patrick Kane is an intellectual firebrand who 's more sussed than most about the contradictions and complexities of trying to infiltrate intelligence into the world of teenpop .
8 CHARITIES are losing money not so much because of the practice of suggesting the amount of donations but because they impose such high postal charges on the goods they offer .
9 Although the decision has caused controversy , it is not so much because of the principles underlying the determination of a duty of care but mostly because of the House of Lords ' interpretation of the Companies Act responsibilities of auditors .
10 Not so much because of the menace in his voice and manner , but because it caused me to lose what little respect I had for him .
11 They no longer speak , she says , not so much because of the Lady Illingworth fraud , but because of ‘ differences ’ .
12 So in 1950 the American , Hillary Waugh , impressed by a volume of real murder cases he had picked up , not so much because of the horrific details the author had dwelt on as by the tone of authenticity that seemed to arise naturally from the accounts of the cases , decided to write a fictional crime story catching as much as he could of this real-life feel .
13 But Harold was not to be soothed : he demanded retribution , he demanded action , not so much because of the ridicule but because at some stage in the programme it was alleged that he had made advantageous use of privileged or secret material in an improper fashion in relation to a book he was then about to publish .
14 As we have already indicated , what has been ‘ lost ’ from the countryside has been the village as an occupational community , which has disappeared not so much because of the impact of the newcomers but because of the underlying changes in the economics of agriculture .
15 Not so much because of the liver but because it spoils the effect of the first drink of the evening . ’
16 The ANC rejected the proposal , saying that the government was opposed to majority rule " not so much because of the principle involved but because of dissatisfaction with whom the majority will be " .
17 Not only this but in the Communist Manifesto Marx and Engels consider the charge made against communism that there are ‘ eternal truths , such as Freedom , Justice , etc. , that are common to all states of society .
18 Why for example is the profit on running a service station whittled away so much that by the time off-site costs are taken into account , the final profit is just one quarter of what it was ?
19 But not , but not as much as on the electrical systems .
20 Zone de Piedmont has a mountainous character often with steep slopes and sufficient to limit agriculture but not as much as in the zone de montagne .
21 Ad volume was down erm , but not as much as in the U K.
22 So far as the Cossacks were concerned , just as much as for the British , the overriding question was not whether certain individuals should be excluded from repatriation because they held non-Soviet passports , but whether the various formations of " Cossacks " as a whole should or should not be repatriated .
23 this has inaugurated a new kind of critical atmosphere and has been gathering conviction at the institutional and managerial level just as much as in the studios and in the discussions around art .
24 The leading element in this upheaval was the student movement , and although students became independently active in political life all over the world — in Eastern Europe and in the Third World just as much as in the West — the principal expression of a distinctive radical doctrine and mode of political action , which became to a large extent a model for the whole international movement , was to be found in the US , in the Students for a Democratic Society ( SDS ) .
25 There was smoke down there but not too much and with the aid of his torch he had no difficulty in locating the three missing men , all huddled shapelessly in a corner .
26 But his evidence does not read to his discredit nearly so much as to the discredit of the committee .
27 It is evident that the figures and groups were set up and down the field , surely very much as on the Underworld vase ; only on this wall there were scores of figures and also certainly more indications of setting .
28 You will increase the chances of your report being acted upon if you plan to invest a substantial amount of time , at least as much as in the writing stage , on promoting your report .
29 Now in recent years , what has happened is that because of the recession , mineral operators instead of looking for enormous new areas to work have been seeking to erm improve er through their own review processes , the working within their existing sites and perhaps to go for some modest increases , so the number of applications has kept up , the amount of work that we are engaged in has er been at least as much as in the past and in some cases because of enforcement matters has been greater , but the fee income has been slipping .
30 The consequences of technical change are influenced at least as much as by the objectives that managers seek to achieve in introducing change .
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