Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [coord] [pers pn] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 You will recall that when we talked about the libido theory , I said that there were erm different one of the reasons why Freud had to introduce the libido theory was he wanted to get away from the narrow biological reproductive concept of sex to do with genitals and reproduction which is of course he 'd want to expand it to include psychological never seen before er or never seen before so clearly , such as erm love of the self and , and this he gave the name narcissism , well he did n't actually , somebody else invented it not long before and he took it over very quickly .
2 down there and me do it
3 These days we can do it much easier and we do it electrically , so we can use a relationship between conductivity which has to be er compensated for temperature and pressure at which you 're doing your readings , and that gives us a measure of our chlorinity and then that gives us a measure back to our salinity .
4 They gave me food with stones and yak dung , but it was still not enough and they put it in a urine container .
5 ‘ It is not enough and you know it ! ’
6 Hidden by her handmaids she is seen to blush , then turns to Actaeon and throws water in his face to blind him , to stop him seeing her naked , but that is not enough and she knows it is not enough , and soon he feels the horns growing on his forehead , dat sparso capiti vivacis cornus cervis , she caused to grow on his head the horns of the long-lived stag , as if the cost of seeing her naked had to be death , first metamorphosis then death .
7 You told me to throw it away before but I kept it to put that other mug in it .
8 Just had one jumped over the side from us once and swamp ashore again and we caught it on the on the land again and put it away .
9 So you do a little circly and you have it full Oh that 's clever in n it !
10 So we kept opening the door it blew out once again and he put it on again and we were still getting these fumes till about oh about half past five it seemed to stop , u we had the windows open .
11 He says the election is coming up soon and he thinks it 's politically motivated .
12 When I first found this I thought , Oh , it 's a sort of truck , well , well , and then I walked up here and I found it was a truck with — ’
13 Could I firstly start by thanking those delegates who after Congress yesterday have expressed support about the two rule changes that we lost and to give some encouragement to new delegates here that even if you get up here and you lose it , there 's some one hell of a lot of support out there on the floor .
14 the the guys went up there and they fixed it and they were very very We had Christmas cards from them and we 've
15 that 's what I 'd guessed , erm , so I said no , I said they 're fine , so she said oh I 'm ever so sorry I said do n't be I said these sort of things get around , I mean it 's , she kept go and then I went on to describe how I virtually done not too a dissimilar thing going up the road trying to talk to people about writing in to object , you know with this planning application and erm , I said I sort of knock on someone 's door up there and I thought it was the next door that the husband had died and it was that one
16 came back up again and they rebuilt it .
17 Well that 's not a tea towel there , nanny cleaned her windows yesterday and er when I , I 'd wiped er with a cleaning off I washed it up again and I put it out yesterday and I keep forgetting to bring it in .
18 The change of term was not quick enough and he covered it with a grandiose sweep of his hand which nearly knocked over the Doctor 's goblet .
19 The war was so far away and I suppose it was only in later years we learned how serious the threat was .
20 No if you if you buy a different make of , some of them stick out further and they foul it .
21 I wanted to trail her back home but I thought it best not to go to too fast
22 Then I took up the painting and carried it back here and I signed it . ’
23 You had a turn out then and I think it lasted till the next spring , not like taking curtains up and down like people do now and hoover for the carpets , course the carpet would be taken out and beaten as you as you know , they were n't they were slung onto a line and beaten with anything that was handy .
24 When I went first he took one out there and he took it out clean , but this one here , in actual fact he gave me a stitch , and when the stitch was n't in you could see the tooth protruding a bit .
25 And it hu go And it was there and it was left all night , and next day erm the man came back again and he cut it down the back with a big saw , and divided it up and then it was taken to the house where it was er up and then salted in a big barrel .
26 He was working until the evening of the following day , but he asked to take me out again and I said it would be delightful .
27 I have friends who worry that I do n't eat well and regularly enough but I suppose it is all a continuation of the habits formed when I was a one-woman farmer .
28 Then you see an express train apparently coming out through the embankment while a gigantic head capped with flowers revolves high above and you realise it will be an amazing day .
29 Underneath that I have another article to which was kicked out sometime later but I have it in here , it says , raid on Gdynia would surprise to Nazis to say refugees in Sweden tell how the non Germans cheered in the streets but the two refugees eye witnesses to the American Bombing Attack on Gdynia , October ninth , reported here that the raid caught the Germans by surprise and that non German workers stood in the streets and cheered amid terrific destruction .
30 From my position as the chair of a governing body of a primary school , I do n't actually think it 's given us very much more flexibility in how we run that school or how that school is operated , and I do n't really and I find it very difficult to see the benefits of us becoming suddenly having erm the responsibility of the funding dumped on us , and therefore the responsibility of any cuts from from erm Local Authorities .
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