Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [conj] to [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes you are more touched by a book that seems to belong to you alone rather than to the world .
2 Thus , in moral deliberation it is not necessarily a confusion of validity and truth to give weight to the way in which a decision is reached as well as or perhaps rather than to the content of the decision reached .
3 The first evidence that this was on its way was noticed towards the end of March , when a patch of snow just below and to the south of the Main Crater began to melt , and simultaneously , activity in the North-East Crater began to die down .
4 The night of this murder was dark , not only as to the hour , but also the weather , for cloud was low , and there was a drizzling rain .
5 ‘ Stand just behind and to the left of me , to block their view , ’ she whispered .
6 Systems using heat detectors are inappropriate for high-bay warehouses bearing in mind that their response will be little ahead of the sprinkler system , which itself will provide an alarm signal both locally and to the Fire Brigade .
7 Alexei stood a little behind and to the right of Burun .
8 She offered a small forkful as coaxingly as to a baby .
9 While George Boon rejected the suggestion that the very small coins were votive objects and may thus be found in some quantity on temple sites , he sensibly adds that there could have been a tendency for poor quality coins ‘ to gravitate to these shrines as easily as to the offertory of a country church ’ .
10 For example , a centred heading above justified text would become blocked at the left-hand margin if Alt+P was applied to it as well as to the text below .
11 This is undeniably in keeping with the perfect structure of the three quatrains and final couplet to produce an overall symmetry making the poem pleasant to the ear if read aloud as well as to the mind .
12 Which meant , in effect , that though some parents chose to send their children there rather than to the Grammar School , many more sent them there because they failed their eleven-plus , that Beecher 's Brook of English childhood .
13 The quest for international recognition , almost regardless as to the importance of the state bestowing it , took on an almost manic quality by the later 1980s .
14 Allows the user to collect together in one package all the modules comprising a single piece of software which is intended for issue as a product , either internally or to a customer .
15 When software development is completed , and the software is ready to be issued for use , either internally or to a client , then a package must be created to contain the issue software .
16 ‘ He acted very deliberately and to a plan .
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