Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [conj] [v-ing] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 This will mean that funding will go where it is most needed locally rather than according to a set of priorities determined in Whitehall .
2 In practice the risk of default of non repayment is nil so far as lending to the government is concerned .
3 If , instead of acting physically , the adult names the object — ‘ dolly ’ — the child is likely to interpret the vocalisation not only as referring to the object , but as a description of the ‘ doll ’ as an entity ( Ninio and Bruner 1978 ) .
4 However , the greater solar input at the equator than at the poles would produce greater solar choking at the equator , and this can be shown to aid equator to pole circulation in the Jovian interior , thus distributing solar energy more uniformly and leading to the small equator to pole temperature differences observed in the upper troposphere .
5 I said , ‘ I am getting off here and walking to the Astoria , where I will drink one hundred grams of port wine .
6 But I do not believe that one goes as far as going to the figure that the County Council is proposing .
7 Every roof has an individual character — so you can be sure of an investment that ; s lovely to look at as well as adding to the value of your building .
8 All that was easy to believe now , it was easy to imagine the drunkenness , and Timothy Gedge letting the facts slip out because he did n't care , because he 'd find it enjoyable , even better than going to a funeral .
9 Because it is so plain and built entirely of concrete , the car-park effect is instantaneous , yet once get clear of the large struts that support the roof , and this becomes a compelling structure , more stadium than church even now but reassuring to the puritanical visitor after the orgy of nineteenth-century frippery elsewhere in the Cité .
10 ‘ We have tried to strike a balance between replacing what was there originally while looking to the future , ’ said curate , Fr Anthony O'Connor .
11 In this new , commercial market a major sales point is the energy saving that is possible with central control of heating and lighting , either manually or according to a timed program .
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