Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [conj] [vb past] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Never before had he gone so far and labelled himself an alcoholic .
2 By the spring of 1993 at least nine republics or regions within the Russian Federation were insisting that their own laws took precedence over those of the Federation as a whole , and the Chechen republic had gone still further and declared itself a fully independent state .
3 Maud detached the girl rather roughly and gave her a shake .
4 Wendy ran after her child but her spiked heels slowed her , so she gave up and came back home and made herself a cup of coffee and read the stories in the back of her magazine .
5 and I bought her but when I came out the loo he is playing with the bus going wheeee , he was having a great time with that , I looked at him and I said got to give that to Charlotte , no , no , I do n't like it I want the house , meaning the garage , so I 've gone out now and bought her a circus
6 ANDY ORKNEY ( Old Applejack ) : ‘ He jumped really well and gave me a tremendous ride .
7 ‘ Disney executives flew me out there and gave me the kind of treatment I 'd always dreamed about when I was an actress … bouquets , champagne , limousines , ’ says Lynda .
8 The scriptwriter — a trim , balding man in his fifties with a moustache — squeezed Dexter 's hand a little too warmly and gave him a serious smile of appraisal .
9 What goes on here ? ’ 'I did n't ask you here and I do n't want to see you and I have nothing to say to you , ’ I said , showing her the door but , alas , she seemed to have no intention of going through it , so I capitulated rather too easily and offered her a drink from the mini bar .
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