Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [conj] [noun pl] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A personal oxygen monitor which is switched on constantly and helps protect the wearer against oxygen-depleted atmospheres was launched by BOC Cryospeed 's audible alarm and flashing red light are activated when oxygen levels fall below 18 per cent or rise above 22 per cent .
2 It is only rarely that places become the heroes of operas , yet such is the case of Peter Grimes .
3 So even if farmers have the equipment and knowledge to use slurry safely as a fertiliser , it still needs added nitrates .
4 The latest argument deployed in Whitehall yesterday was not only that sanctions hurt the worst-off sections of the South African community — the ones they are designed to help — but that financial measures against South Africa might induce the country to default on its international commitments .
5 It is not only that homeowners need the increase to allow them to move and to restore the equity which they invested ; lenders need an appreciation to restore the security on their fragile loan books .
6 Much of the West End was still sealed off early today as police combed the area for more bombs .
7 It is worth noting once again that calls have an unlimited profit potential similar to that of the long share while that of the puts is limited to E — P ; i.e. the maximum is reached when the share price S has reached zero .
8 These were faithfully reported in the press a few days later so that readers knew the position of every member of the Cabinet .
9 Moreover , for as long as authorities pursued a monetary policy which held the unemployment rate at U 1 , this prediction error will persist over time .
10 Far better that workers adopt an ‘ I ’ m all right Jack ’ mentality coupled with the chance to make a bit on the side than that they go on strike and make demands for higher wages in their main jobs .
11 " I do n't know why I came , I ca n't possibly tell them , " she thought as she watched the tiny man , perched up high as he circled meticulously round about on his chosen futureless employment , shouting : " Wor'-oss , Wor'-oss " to the dogs that followed him , as faithfully as seagulls follow a plough , when he made one of his grand and speedy turns .
12 Society loses even more when workers feel a loss in confidence and self-esteem following experiences of rejection when applying for jobs , a common feature of sustained periods of unemployment .
13 He would mysteriously shake so badly sometimes that old-timers recommended a large brandy .
14 SHARE prices in London surged ahead yesterday as investors took a last-minute gamble on the Tories retaining power , writes Paul Murphy .
15 SHARES were on the skids again yesterday and dealers reckon the rollercoaster ride could last right up to Christmas .
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