Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [conj] [pron] had [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Before he could get to the specimen , its entrails had decomposed so badly that they had to be thrown away , so it was a gutted specimen that he eventually saw .
2 This was manifested in a number of ways , particularly in that pupils still in their second year in the mixed ability classes would be talking about playing with their friends and generally their attitudes towards the teenage culture of pop music and magazines and fashions and discotheques did n't seem to develop so quickly as it had in the streamed situation , and I think really this comes from the problem of those pupils in the streamed situation — in the bottom streams in particular — who found that they wanted alternatives to school when they were in an inferior position in the school .
3 This was manifested in a number of ways , particularly in that pupils still in their second year in the mixed ability classes would be talking about playing with their friends , and generally their attitudes towards the teenage culture of pop music and magazines and fashions and discotheques did n't seem to develop so quickly as it had in the streamed situation .
4 This was manifested in a number of ways , particularly in that pupils still in their second year in the mixed ability classes would be talking about playing with their friends , and generally their attitudes towards the teenage culture of pop music and magazines and fashions and discotheques did n't seem to develop so quickly as it had in the streamed situation .
5 On 19 June 1841 the spire of St Michael 's was struck by lightning so severely that it had to be taken down and rebuilt at a cost of £84 , paid for by the Buxtons .
6 The door was smashed in so often that it had to be bricked up .
7 It was only when Gould declared on 28 February 1837 , that Darwin 's island specimens of the Galapagos mocking bird differed so profoundly that they had to be categorised as three completely distinct species , that the alarm bells began to ring .
8 When in 1857 something new began to grow in Nova Scotia Gardens , financed by Angela Burdett-Coutts at the prompting of Dickens , the residents protested so vehemently that they had to be pacified by the architect and restrained by the law .
9 Indeed , he took his responsibility so seriously that he had to be dissuaded from resignation .
10 ‘ Damian knew right away that it had to be Japan or nothing .
11 She glanced downwards , just exactly as she had on the day I 'd come for the room .
12 I realised just now that you had to be the one to finish it . ’
13 Er well n not really because they had to be in the union .
14 In order to benefit from favourable international developments , indeed in order to avoid falling victim herself to the volatile diplomacy of the period , Russia had to mobilize her resources far more effectively than she had under Peter 's predecessors .
15 She laughed more naturally than she had in his presence before .
16 Alberta , who had played so well on the Saturday , were beaten 14–6 by Ontario in the third-place game the next day and , while the winners looked a lot more together than they had against Newfoundland , they definitely suffered throughout from the absence of their outstanding flanker , Al Charron , ruled out by a World Cup rib injury .
17 I had to pay to have them work as fast as they did , only I did n't want my friend 's grave marked with just a cross in the sand for any longer than it had to be .
18 ‘ I 'm tired , yes , but I was n't prepared to leave you labouring under your misapprehensions any longer than I had to … ’
19 We knew Souness would want his own set of players and that he 'd shift people in and out very quickly just as he had in Scotland .
20 And then , because she did n't want to be saying goodbye to him any sooner than she had to , she took him for a wander through the main part of the Hall to see how the preparations were going .
21 She liked her boss a lot more now than she had at the beginning of their relationship .
22 He cared about her pleasure and she responded to him more strongly than she had with anyone .
23 It is true that the carefully authentic material has to be explained more fully than it had to be for readers of Marryat 's day , who could be supposed to possess a modicum of previous knowledge of naval affairs .
24 She had never used an iron nor threaded a needle , been on a bus nor cooked a meal for other people , earned money , got up early because she had to , waited to see the doctor or stood in a queue .
25 He took the Canal Turn as fluently as he had on the first circuit , then swept towards Valentine 's Brook .
26 For several months the Hong Kong Sevens waited , hoping that the country 's two rugby bodies would unite as quickly as they had in some other sports — most notably cricket .
27 I had to give her a little reminder now and then , to stop her attempting to fly off into the wide blue yonder , by gently pulling the leash , but within two days she was coming to me just as willingly as she had on the straight creance .
28 I thought of the most dedicated cricket fanatic I had ever known back in South Africa — a man who despite repeated heart attacks , doctors ' warnings and family entreaties to stop playing the game , had persisted with club cricket to the end , in his sixties diving after slip catches as recklessly as he had in his teens .
29 In Canberra last week , he continued to blow as coldly as he had at Twickenham earlier this month and was disappointing , though whether he will be react positively to being dropped is a moot point .
30 We took four years to do it , partly so people would get accustomed to the idea , and it was fantastic that during those four years people worked at least as hard and as well as they had in the previous four .
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